

2011年世界長者ベスト10  2011 World’s Richest People

アップルのスティーブ・ジョブズは110位にランクイン。映画「ソーシャル・ネットワーク」などで話題のSNS・Facebookの創業者マーク・ザッカーバーグはなんと52位。マーク・ザッカーバーグは去年212位(40億ドル)だった。下表の資産は 1$ = 83円で換算。

Forbes list of world’s richest people is composed of two records: total number of listees (1,210) and combined wealth ($4.5 trillion).
This year Brazil, Russia, India and China have 108 billionaires out of 214. One of four members of the 2011 Forbes list belongs to one of these 4 countries. China produced 115 billionaires this year whereas Russia- 101. Beforehand only U.S. had ever produced more than 100 billionaires. Let’s find out who became the top 10 richest people this year.

10.クリスティ・ウォルトン    Christy Walton (56), Jackson, NY, US


Net Worth: $26 B
Christy Walton, the richest woman in the world, is a Wal-Mart widow. The Wal Mart retailer was found by Christy Walton’s father-in-law Sam Walton and his brother James in 1962. Since the last year Christy Walton received almost $300 million in Wal-Mart dividends. She also fortunes nearly $2.7 billion from her husband’s late investments in First Solar.

9.ムケシュ・アンバニ    Mukesh Ambani (54), Mumbai, India


Net Worth: $22.6 B
Title: Chairman, Reliance Industries
Education: Drop Out, Stanford University; Bachelor of Science in Engineering, University of Bombay

8.エイキ・バチスタ    Eike Batista (54), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

ブラジルの実業家(資産約$300億)、EBX鉱業グループのCEO。非常に大胆なビジネスマンとしてしられている。ドイツで生まれ、そこでエンジニアを学んだ。1991年にブラジルの女優であり、カーニバル・クイーンでもあるLuma de Oliveiraさんと結婚するが、2004年に離婚。二人の間には2人の子供がいる。

Net worth: $30B
Education: Drop out, RWTH Aachen University
Brazil’s richest man is directed on foreign investments. He announced for this year an opening of an office in New York and plans to list some of his companies on London Stock Exchange. Batista’s holding company FBX controls mining, shipbuilding, energy, logistics, tourism and entertainment businesses. In February EBX took control of Canadian gold outfit Ventana. Two-thirds of his earning comes from OGX- oil-and-gas exploration company that he found in 2007.Batista started his career in gold trading and mining as a president of the mining giant Companhia Vale do Rio Doce . He is a son of former Brazil’s mining minister.

7.アマンシオ・オルテガ    Amancio Ortega (75), La Coruna, Spain


Net Worth: $31B
Title: Chairman of Inditex
Amancio Ortega is a chairman of Inditex- the $15.8 billion sales fashion company as of January 2011, which operates several brands such as Zara, Massimo Dutti and Stradivarius with 5,000 stores in 77 countries. Ortega gets 87% of his earning from the share in publicly traded company. Amancion Ortega also owns properties in Florida, Madrid, London and Lisbon, a steak in soccer league and even a horse-jumping circuit. Besides that, Ortega has interest in gas, tourism and banks.
A son of a railway worker, he started his career as a gofer in clothes store. With his wife (by that time) Rosalia Mera he started making gowns and lingerie in their living room.

6.ラクシュミー・ミッタル    Lakshmi Mittal, 61, London, United Kingdom


Title: Chairman, ArcelorMittal
Net Worth: 19.2 B
Education: Bachelor of Arts / Science, St Xavier”s College Calcutta
ArcelorMittal is world’s largest steelmaker with a net worth $6.9 B, which kept the 40% due to the surging cost. In January the company expanded by buying Canadian miner Baffinland Iron Mines. Later in August ArcelorMittal partnered with Peabody Energy in order to purchase Australia’s Macarthur Coal for $4.9 B.

5.ラリー・エリソン    Larry Ellison (67), Woodside, CA, US

データベースソフトをはじめとする大手ビジネスソフトウェア企業オラクル・コーポレーションの共同設立者であり、CEOである。3度の離婚歴を含む私生活や、幾多の訴訟や買収、ビル・ゲイツとのライバル関係など、様々な話題に事欠かない。また、自宅を和風建築にするほどの親日家としても知られている。近年では、中小規模向けSaaS型アプリケーション企業のNet Suite社設立メンバーの一人としても知られる。2011年現在の総資産は395億ドルで、世界で5番目の富豪である。フィランソロピー活動でも有名である。

Net worth:$33 B
Title: CEO, Oracle
Education: Drop Out, University of Illinois at Urbana; Drop Out, University of Chicago
Lary Elisson seems to be spending more time in court rather than ruling business. Oracle has been battling German software company SAP over software theft and competed HP over Elisson’s hiring HP’s former chief Mark Hurd. But despite all of that, Oracle stock was not hurt, a 15% increase from a previous year. Elisson donated millions to medicine and education and afterward joined the Giving Pledge at Buffet’s behest in 2010.

4.ベルナール・アルノー    Bernard Arnault (62), Paris, France

フランスの実業家。LVMH及びクリスチャン・ディオールを部分的に所有すると同時に、両社の取締役会長兼CEO (PDG) を務め、時に『ファッションの法王』などと呼ばれることもある。

Net Worth: $41 B
Title: Chairman, Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH)
Education: Bachelor of Arts / Science, Ecole Polytechnique de Paris
Arnault is Europe’s richest man. He earned his capital on selling and creating luxury goods.

3.ウォーレン・バフェット    Warren Buffett (81), Omaha, NE, US


Title: Ceo, Berkshire Hathaway
Net worth: $39 B
Education: Master of Science, Columbia University; Bachelor of Arts / Science, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Recently Buffet raised big discussions around the tax size. He noticed that his secretary pays a higher tax than he does proposing “it’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice.” It was picked up by Obama who proposed a “Buffet tax” that supposes paying less tax for middle-class than for millionaires. During the 2011 Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway acquired specialty chemical maker Lubrizol for $10 billion.

2.ビル・ゲイツ    Bill Gates (56), Medina, WA, US

アメリカの雑誌フォーブスの世界長者番付で、1994年から2006年まで13年連続の世界一となった。2006年の個人資産は推定530億ドル(日本円で約6兆2000億円)で、2007年、ビル・ゲイツの資産は、さらに50億ドル膨らんで資産総額580億ドルとなったが、推定資産620億ドルの著名投資家のウォーレン・バフェット、推定資産600億ドルの中南米の携帯電話会社América Móvilなどを所有するメキシコの「通信王」カルロス・スリム・ヘルの後塵を拝し、ゲイツは3位に転落した。

Title: Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
New Worth: $59 B
Education: Drop Out, Harvard University
Computer technologies genius and the world’s second richest man is facing his middle age crisis unlike other men do. He forced all his strength on creating, promoting and distributing vaccines. They are supposed to have a huge impact on the health of humanity. His major objective is eliminating infectious diseases that cause people’s death. Hope he will succeed in his good intentions.

1.カルロス・スリム・ヘル    Carlos Slim (71), Mexico city, Mexico

2007年8月のフォーブスによれば、以前は第三位だったが、マイクロソフトのビル・ゲイツを抜いて世界一位(総資産約 8 兆 3000 億円)の富豪となった。しかし、フォーブスの2008年版長者番付では二位に順位を下げた。その後、2010年度版長者番付で資産総額 535 億ドル(約 4 兆 8000 億円)で再び首位に返り咲いた。2011年度版の世界長者番付では、さらに資産を上げ、740 億ドル(約 6 兆 2000 億円)で前年度に引き続き首位となっている。ラテンアメリカの通信産業に多大な影響を持つ。

Title: Chairman of Telmex.
Net worth: $63.3 B
Education: Bachelor of Arts / Science, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
The Mexican billionaire owns shares in more than 200 companies primarily in retail- Saks, media- The New York Times, tobacco- Philip Morris and telecommunications. In the nearest future Slim is planning to make investments in Colombia.


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