ポール・ダテ(Paul Dateh、1983年 - )は日系アメリカ人ヴァイオリン奏者、シンガーソングライター。アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス出身。
暇に任せてブログってみました。ポリシーもなくテーマもなく平々凡々のんべんだらりとメインにはなりきれずサブでもなくいつもいつもスタンバッています。そんなでよろしいでしょうか?暇がある方覗いてみてください。ぬるい情報中心にうPしております ^^
ファーストフードもどんどん進化を遂げます。 Fast Food Future Looks Scary
Close your eyes and for a moment imagine the possible future of fast food industry.
Close your eyes and for a moment imagine the possible future of fast food industry.
トイレでのイタズラはこれだ! The Best Toilet Prank Ever!
The best thing is that you’ll only need toilet paper core and water.
The best thing is that you’ll only need toilet paper core and water.
あのオジー・オズボーンが蝋人形になりすましファン達にドッキリ仕掛ける!Ozzy Osbourne Scares Fans
Ozzy Osbourne already looks like a soulless shell made of wax, so hiding him in a wax museum is the perfect plan. We almost feel bad for the little girls who get scared, but since they’re huge Ozzy fans they probably have seen worse.
Ozzy Osbourne already looks like a soulless shell made of wax, so hiding him in a wax museum is the perfect plan. We almost feel bad for the little girls who get scared, but since they’re huge Ozzy fans they probably have seen worse.
この写真(アート)はフォトショップの編集画像ではありません Images Created Without Photo Manipulations
信じ難いのですがこれらの画像はフォトショップによる編集は一切施されておりませんイリュージョンぽいですがスペインの写真家Chema Madoz さんが被写体を実際に作り上げ撮影したものです。創作に煮詰まったときなどに見るとちょっとしたアイディアがわいてきたり、新しいインスピレーションが得られるかもしれませんね。
It’s hard to believe but these images were created without any Photoshop manipulation. Spanish photographer Chema Madoz loves to create almost impossible but real photos.
It’s hard to believe but these images were created without any Photoshop manipulation. Spanish photographer Chema Madoz loves to create almost impossible but real photos.
この夏こんなサングラスはいかがですか? Sunglasses Fashion
Sunglasses were invented to hide your eyes from bright sun. But in the modern world the main function is no longer the primary. Now it’s trendy accessory. It’s a very simple way to express yourself which sometimes will cost you a lot of money
Sunglasses were invented to hide your eyes from bright sun. But in the modern world the main function is no longer the primary. Now it’s trendy accessory. It’s a very simple way to express yourself which sometimes will cost you a lot of money
樹齢1900年のログハウス The Famous Redwood Log House
ようは、大木を切り出し中をくり貫いてログハウスに仕立てるのです。このログハウスに使われた大木とは樹齢1900歳、高さ247フィート 約75m、直径14フィート 約4.26mを4つに切り分けて4つのログハウスにするそうです。現在では考えられないですね。
One of the most popular exhibits at Ripley’s Believe It or Not, the famous Redwood Log House is made from the trunk of a single Redwood Tree.
Len Moore, the creator of this unusual house, got the idea to build the Redhouse Log House after he found shelter in the trunk of a burned down Redwood tree, during a storm. He decided to build his dream house out of the trunk of this giant tree, and spent months chiseling out the interior, and over a year to build it.
One of the most popular exhibits at Ripley’s Believe It or Not, the famous Redwood Log House is made from the trunk of a single Redwood Tree.
Len Moore, the creator of this unusual house, got the idea to build the Redhouse Log House after he found shelter in the trunk of a burned down Redwood tree, during a storm. He decided to build his dream house out of the trunk of this giant tree, and spent months chiseling out the interior, and over a year to build it.
暗雲立ち込める様相を激写! Black Skies
宇宙人?パナマで奇妙な生物の死体が見つかりました。(ちょいグロ注意)Weird Animal Found In Panama
Very strange creature was found dead in Panama. According to reports, teenagers have beaten it to death after they saw it was crawling towards them out of a cave. Later they returned and took photos of the corpse. The animal is still unidentified, but one of the versions says it can be a sloth that lost its hair
Very strange creature was found dead in Panama. According to reports, teenagers have beaten it to death after they saw it was crawling towards them out of a cave. Later they returned and took photos of the corpse. The animal is still unidentified, but one of the versions says it can be a sloth that lost its hair
猫がドアを開けますよ・・の巻 (2連チャン) Cat Opens a Door
猫ちゃんがドアノブを回してドアを開けます。Very Cute ですよ^^
This cute little cat has learned it can jump up to the door knob and turn it.
こんなティーポットでティータイムをエンジョイしませんか? Incredibly Unusual and Creative Teapots
If you live in United Kingdom then you might know how it is boring to drink a tea every day from very same cups and teapots. Drinking a tea from a piano-shaped kettle or that clock kettle is really a different experience. Here you can see the images of incredibly unusual and creative teapots which eventually could make your morning more entertaining.
If you live in United Kingdom then you might know how it is boring to drink a tea every day from very same cups and teapots. Drinking a tea from a piano-shaped kettle or that clock kettle is really a different experience. Here you can see the images of incredibly unusual and creative teapots which eventually could make your morning more entertaining.
デスマスク集 20 Death Masks Of Famous People
デスマスク(英語:death mask)は、死の直後、石膏や蝋で死者の顔の型を取ったものをいう。デスマスクは、そうして死者の思い出として保存されたり、あるいは肖像画を描くための資料として用いられたりするものである。時にはデスマスクの上にそのまま着色して肖像とすることもないわけではない。刑死した死刑囚のデスマスクも残されている。
Death Masks are easily the most haunting mementos of the deceased. They have been in existence since the time of Tutankhamun, whose solid gold burial mask is an object of extreme beauty and superstition. Here, we present twenty casts that have preserved some of the most famous faces to have graced this planet.
Death Masks are easily the most haunting mementos of the deceased. They have been in existence since the time of Tutankhamun, whose solid gold burial mask is an object of extreme beauty and superstition. Here, we present twenty casts that have preserved some of the most famous faces to have graced this planet.
ナポレオン・ボナパルト ( 軍人・政治家。フランス第一帝政の皇帝 ) Napoléon Bonaparte wikipedia
ボーイング社(Boeing)は5月10日、セントルイスで発表会を行い、次世代無人戦闘航空機「ファントム・レイ」(Phantom Ray)を初めて公開した。発表会にはボーイング・ファントムワークス社のダリル・デイビス社長(Darryl Davis)が参加し、「開発は順調に進められており、最初の飛行もまもなく行われます。開発から2年、ファントム・レイは今年12月に予定通りに飛ぶでしょう。これはボーイングとチームによる素晴らしい結果です」と述べた。
二人羽織 with Doggy! Dog With Arms
Oh no. The dogs have arms and they’ve learned to use tools and eat breakfast. This is just like “Planet of the Apes,” but instead of being scary and mean this dog looks hungry and adorable. So, nothing like “Planet of the Apes.”
EMBED-Ginger The Human Dog Eating Cereal
Oh no. The dogs have arms and they’ve learned to use tools and eat breakfast. This is just like “Planet of the Apes,” but instead of being scary and mean this dog looks hungry and adorable. So, nothing like “Planet of the Apes.”
EMBED-Ginger The Human Dog Eating Cereal
ベィビーに「フロッグ」と言わせて見た結果が!www Baby tried to say frog
う~ん どうしても「フロッグ」って言えない、どうしても「ファック」になっちゃいます。笑
Isn't she's cute? Cute baby girl was told to say frog. Listen to what she has to say. funny
Isn't she's cute? Cute baby girl was told to say frog. Listen to what she has to say. funny
梅雨の時期になりましたライトセーバー傘を紹介します。LED Umbrella Lights Up Your Path In The Dark Rainfall
これなら安心雨の降る夜でもお子さんにも、もちろん女性にも、このスターウォーズのライトセーバーみたいな傘があなたを守ってくれるでしょう。バッテリー内蔵でピッカリよく光ります。wwww因みにお値段が $24.99 だそうです。
アルバムカバーアート集 (デザインに携わる方には是非とも見ていただきたい)Amazing Album Cover Art
Music is most enjoyable in life. People are conscious about searching music. So what i have for you is beautiful inspirational Designed Album Covers. It consists of high quality different types of covers. There are many that are drawn out, close up photos, grungy, simple and clean or just iconic.
Music is most enjoyable in life. People are conscious about searching music. So what i have for you is beautiful inspirational Designed Album Covers. It consists of high quality different types of covers. There are many that are drawn out, close up photos, grungy, simple and clean or just iconic.
オバマ大統領がビデオチャットに!相手の反応はwww!! Obama Tries Chatroulette!!
For being the President, even he has a hard time seeing boobs on Chatroulette. Plenty of people are happy to show him their little Dick Cheneys, though.
For being the President, even he has a hard time seeing boobs on Chatroulette. Plenty of people are happy to show him their little Dick Cheneys, though.
ハリウッドのセレブ達に髭を生やしました。宝塚歌劇みたいです。Hollywood Celebrities with Mustaches
Everybody is interested in looking at the celebrities… what will you do when you see this celebrities with mustaches on their faces…here are the 15 celebrities images with mustaches which are funny, weird and cute…just check at the photos after the jump…
Everybody is interested in looking at the celebrities… what will you do when you see this celebrities with mustaches on their faces…here are the 15 celebrities images with mustaches which are funny, weird and cute…just check at the photos after the jump…
ピンクのバッタ(ウマオイ-キリギリス科)がみつかりました大変レアです。Very Rare Pink Katydid
Pink Katydids are very rare. They occur once out if every 500 insects.
Pink Katydids are very rare. They occur once out if every 500 insects.
お札で変顔! Creative Illusions Using Money
Having enough money always leads to some fun times. However, you don’t have to have thousands of dollars to have fun. There are other ways of having fun with your money (other than the obvious).
Having enough money always leads to some fun times. However, you don’t have to have thousands of dollars to have fun. There are other ways of having fun with your money (other than the obvious).
映画のモンスターたちの素顔を見てまいりましょう! The faces behind movie monsters from outer space
Who is the human behind Darth Vader's mask? What does Neytiri from "Avatar" really look like? Join us for a tour of the people behind the alien costumes.
Who is the human behind Darth Vader's mask? What does Neytiri from "Avatar" really look like? Join us for a tour of the people behind the alien costumes.
口をポカ~ンと開けてしまう格闘シーン集 Hahaha A Fine Selection Of Awesomely Bad Fight Scenes
Although the untrained eye will tell you that all these fight scenes I present to you are god awful and deserved to be erased from the face of the planet, you and I know that that the awesomness of these clips lies within it’s awfulness. Here’s my selection of some of the most awesomely bad fight scenes known to man.
Although the untrained eye will tell you that all these fight scenes I present to you are god awful and deserved to be erased from the face of the planet, you and I know that that the awesomness of these clips lies within it’s awfulness. Here’s my selection of some of the most awesomely bad fight scenes known to man.
世界一でかいオートバイって、これ重機の間違いじゃないの? One big motorcycle
I grew up when Bigfoot was the most known monster truck in the world, but I have never seen a monster bike before. Looks like a Zamboni with wheels.
I grew up when Bigfoot was the most known monster truck in the world, but I have never seen a monster bike before. Looks like a Zamboni with wheels.
こんなくだらない事をやってのける公務員ってナイスなのバカなの? Car lifted by firehoses
日本でこんなことやると、まあどこかで首が飛ぶでしょうなwwwあ、民主政権下ではわかんないな・・・・。 This is what happens when firefighters get bored .
世界一強いワギナの女性 World's Strongest Vagina (lifts 31 lbs)
Tatiata Kozhevnikova さん(ロシア 42才)が なんと31ポンド(約14kg)の鉄球をリフティングしている動画を入手!すでにギネスには登録済みだそうです。今後の後継者の育成は考えているのだろうか?
The Most Bizarre and Popular Story, a 42-year-old Russian woman, Tatiata Kozhevnikova, claims to have the worlds strongest vagina.The athletic Russian blond beauty has been training her private parts for some 15 years. She has lifted some 14 kilograms worth of weights almost 31 pounds to prove it. From Novosibirsk, Russia, Tatiata Kozhevnikova has been exercising her intimate muscles on a daily basis and has even made her way into the Guinness Book of Records as the possessor of the worlds strongest vagina.
The Most Bizarre and Popular Story, a 42-year-old Russian woman, Tatiata Kozhevnikova, claims to have the worlds strongest vagina.The athletic Russian blond beauty has been training her private parts for some 15 years. She has lifted some 14 kilograms worth of weights almost 31 pounds to prove it. From Novosibirsk, Russia, Tatiata Kozhevnikova has been exercising her intimate muscles on a daily basis and has even made her way into the Guinness Book of Records as the possessor of the worlds strongest vagina.
アメリカ、オレゴン大学のアカペラ・グループが振りつきでレディ・ガガの「バッド・ロマンス」を演じてしまいました。Bad Romance, Oregon Style
The University of Oregon’s male a capella group performs a remake of “Bad Romance” that would make Lady GaGa proud. What they lack in costuming (conical bras and lace body stockings were noticeably absent) they make up for with great vocals and lots of GaGa 'tude. Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah, indeed.
The University of Oregon’s male a capella group performs a remake of “Bad Romance” that would make Lady GaGa proud. What they lack in costuming (conical bras and lace body stockings were noticeably absent) they make up for with great vocals and lots of GaGa 'tude. Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah, indeed.
女性らしい優しいサウンドで癒してくれますね ^^
女性ジャズ・ミュージシャン ニッキ・パロットがニューアルバムを出したそうです。女性でありながら大きなウッドベースを奏でながら艶やかな歌声で男性諸兄を悩殺してゆくアサシン・ヴォーカリストです。www
Chuck Braman Trio featuring Nicki Parrott, Art Hirahara
Chuck Braman Trio featuring Nicki Parrott, Art Hirahara
Whatcha Gonna Do For Me ? / Ned Doheny
Ned Doheny
Just A Song Before I Go / Crosby, Stills & Nash
Crosby, Stills & Nash
Ned Doheny
Just A Song Before I Go / Crosby, Stills & Nash
Crosby, Stills & Nash
突然変異な動物たち ( ちょいグロ閲覧注意 ) Interesting Rare Mutant Animals.
突然変異(とつぜんへんい)は生物学の用語で、単に変異とも言う。DNAあるいはRNA上の塩基配列に物理的変化が生じることを遺伝子突然変異といい、染色体の数や構造に変化が生じることを染色体突然変異という。突然変異の結果遺伝情報にも変化が表れる。このような変異の生じた細胞または個体を突然変異体(ミュータント, mutant)と呼び、変異を起こす物理的・化学的な要因を変異原という。英語やドイツ語ではmutationと呼び、この語は「変化」を意味するラテン語に由来する。個体レベルでは発ガンや機能不全などの原因となり、長い目で見ると進化の原動力ともなっている。多細胞生物の場合は、変異が進化の原動力となるのは生殖細胞に起こり子孫に伝えられた場合に限られる。
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