

Union Shield-2011 [Video]

9月下旬ともなると外交の季節到来である。国連、世銀、IMFなどの総会があるためだろうか、今週、来週は二国間、多国間協議が目白押しだ。まあ日本では新首相、新外相の外交デビューが注目なのだろうが、勿論世界の関心は別にある。今ロシアとベラルーシが実施している共同軍事演習「Union Shield 2011」にこれまで参加していなかったウクライナが今回初めて参加している

Union Shield-2011′ exercise finished on September 22, 2011. ‘Union Shield-2011′ is a joint Russia-Belarus regional group of forces that exists for over 10 years.

‘Union Shield-2011′ exercise is a part of the strategic-tactical exercises ‘Centre – 2011′ which takes place on seven training grounds in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, and Tajikistan, composed of military units of Russia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Tajikistan, and Ukraine. During the exercise, within the bounds of ‘Union Shield-2011′ exercise, Belarus jointed the participants. Russia-Kazakhstan ‘Shigis-2011′ and ‘Fighting Commonwealth-2011′ of the participants of Joint CIS Air Defence System has already finished.


ライオンは千尋の谷に落ちたわが子を救う!  Risking Their Neck They Saved Baby Lion


野生動物母子ショット!  Wildlife Mother and Cubs


Beautiful pictures of animals with their offspring. in these pictures are animals from all over the world: Polar bears, seals, eagles, hyenas, deer, pandas, monkeys, wolves, they are a natural link in the chain without which life could not be imagined. Because of human carelessness of many of these animals have become endangered species, we must protect these beautiful animals and help them continue to live their lives in nature and such. Protect all together nature and animal world and beautiful photos of animals with their tiny offspring will be all the more.



ドッキリを仕掛けたビールのCM (笑) Scary But Hilarious Beer Promotional Stunt [VIDEO]


第二次世界大戦時における若い少年兵たち  Extremely Young Soldiers of World War II


Check out these vintage black and white photos of young boys of World War II.


レディー・ガガさんが衣装を寄付しましたが・・・・  Lady Gaga Donates Her Clothes


これはケーキなんですよ!  Yes This is a Cake!!


Although I would rather have the beer, I have to admit this is one damn good looking beers in a bucket cake…WOW!Created by Rouvelee Ilagan for her dad’s birthday, everything is cake except for the beer bottles and the ice, which are molded hard candy.



ある男性の変わっていく様  Man Makes Total Body Transformation

イギリス人男性 マシュー・ウィーラー (31才)さんが顔や身体に刺青を入れて変わっていく様を画像で追っていきます。こんなに可愛い坊やだったのに・・・・。

A 31-year-old unemployed British man, Mathew Wheeler, decided to make permanent changes to the way he looks, and changed his name to something completely unbelievable.


石でできた美しい村 A Beautiful Village on the Rocks [Video]


Monsanto is a beautiful Portuguese village built on the side of a mountain. Local houses are squeezed between huge boulders and narrow streets are carved from the rock. This place is a living museum.

なんと1000人の女性の胸にタッチしたラッキーガイ! Lucky Russian Guy [Video]


たばこが700円になっても使えます。レトロなライター!  Impressive Retro Lighters

超リアルな胸像、彫刻  Super Realistic Sculptures


These sculptures are so realistic that you won’t believe they are not alive. These artists skillfully transcend the limits between dead object and bring them to life. Take a look at these awesome sculptures.


セレブたちの見られたくない瞬間!  Awkward Moments for Celebrities


Even rich and famous celebrities have bad days. Have a look at these photos and you will recognize these celebrities who are having an awkward moment.


夏の終わりはハンモックで過す。 Perfect Places for a Hammock

ハンモックに最適な場所をご紹介いたします。涼しい晩夏をこんなところでおすごしください ^^

The idea for this post was quite simple. If a place is fitting for a hammock than it MUST be one of the following: relaxing, peaceful, breezy or by the water. If a hammock is present the surroundings must be beautiful!

こんなボールでプレイしたい! Coolest Bowling Balls [Video]
