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踏み切りのある空港滑走路! Crazy Airport! [Video]
Gibraltar Spain Attraction its Crazy Airport!
Gibraltar Spain Attraction its Crazy Airport!
ドッキリシリーズ 子供爆弾! Bomb Squad Recruits Kid To Diffuse Car Bombs Prank [Video]
Bomb squad officer stops cars to search them for hidden explosive devices. When he finds one, he enlists a little kid to go retrieve it and detonate it in a garbage somewhere away from them.
Bomb squad officer stops cars to search them for hidden explosive devices. When he finds one, he enlists a little kid to go retrieve it and detonate it in a garbage somewhere away from them.
パンダの赤ちゃん Amazing Photos of Baby Panda [Video]
生まれたパンダの子供の体重は通常100- 200g程度と大人の約1000分の1しかない。眼の周り、耳、四肢、背中の両肩の間の毛が黒く、他の部分は白色(クリーム色)である。この模様や色使いは「単独行動が維持できるように近すぎる距離での遭遇を回避するのに役立っている」「周りの景色に溶け込んで外敵の目から逃れるためのカモフラージュの役割を果たしていた」等と考えられている。尾の長さは約13- 20cmであるが、尾はほとんど成長しないため、成獣では目立たない。ジャイアントパンダのぬいぐるみ・人形・キャラクターグッズなどのなかには、尾を黒く塗った商品を見かけるが、汚れなどによる誤解や思い込みに基づいて色付けされており、本種の尾の色は正しくは白色(クリーム色)である。
「ザ・デビルズ・インサイド(The Devil Inside)」トレーラー Devil Inside Movie [Video]
パラマウント映画の新レーベル「Insurge」の第一弾作品として製作された最新エクソシズム・ホラー「ザ・デビルズ・インサイド(The Devil Inside)」 過去に三人を殺害し精神病院へ送られた母親を、悪魔に取り憑かれている所為だと信じる娘が、母親の悪魔払いを始めた為に恐ろしい出来事が起きてしまう末路を描いたものだそうです。
気持ち悪い?キッチングッズ Fleshy Kitchen Accessories
Christine Chin seems to have added an essence of Hannibal Lecter to her kitchen accessories with her Sentient Kitchen Series.
Christine Chin seems to have added an essence of Hannibal Lecter to her kitchen accessories with her Sentient Kitchen Series.
コーサ・ノストラのボスたち Bosses Of Cosa Nostra [Video]
コーサ・ノストラ(La Cosa Nostra)とは、イタリア語で「我らのもの」を意味し、一般的にはマフィアとして知られている秘密結社的犯罪集団とされるが。正確にはマフィアとコーサ・ノストラは区別されマフィアという呼称は時期は不明であるが18世紀末から19世紀初頭にイタリアのシチリア島で発生し、19世紀末から始まったアメリカへの移民と共に、イタリア国外へと進出し世界的な組織と成長していった、一方コーサ・ノストラは第二次世界大戦中にアメリカが強制送還したラッキー・ルチアーノに対してつけられた組織(ギャング)を言う。
Mafia, it is oppression, arrogance, greed, enrichment, gain power, hegemony over all, directed against all. It’s not just an abstract concept, or state of mind, or literary term …It is a criminal organization that manages the operation of an unwritten but iron, authoritarian rules …
Mafia, it is oppression, arrogance, greed, enrichment, gain power, hegemony over all, directed against all. It’s not just an abstract concept, or state of mind, or literary term …It is a criminal organization that manages the operation of an unwritten but iron, authoritarian rules …
Alexander Votsmush のファンタジックな水彩画 Alexander Votsmush Watercolor Paintings [Video]
Alexander Votsmushはウクライナ在住のアーティストです。信じられないほど美しく、深く、エネルギッシュでいくつもの物語を語る様なファンタジックな世界を水彩画で表現しています。あなたはどの様に感じましたか?
Alex Votsmush lives partly in Russia and partly in Ukraine. This incredibly beautiful kind of watercolor on paper which is full of life, energy, depth, narrative and humor in some cases. It is impossible to fully put down feelings into words. Votsmush’s grip on the medium, mood, subject and overall context in every single piece is mesmerizing making you feel as if it is not painted on paper with a paint brush but with a magical wand.
Alex Votsmush lives partly in Russia and partly in Ukraine. This incredibly beautiful kind of watercolor on paper which is full of life, energy, depth, narrative and humor in some cases. It is impossible to fully put down feelings into words. Votsmush’s grip on the medium, mood, subject and overall context in every single piece is mesmerizing making you feel as if it is not painted on paper with a paint brush but with a magical wand.
自称オタクなら彼女へのプレゼントはコレダ! Cool Geeky Gift for Girlfriend !
See what this person was able to create for his honey with some imagination and geekiness.
See what this person was able to create for his honey with some imagination and geekiness.
ウォルマートで見かけた痛い人々! What You Can See in Walmart.
These photos will either break your heart or have you doubled over laughing. Fortunately for us some Walmart people just don’t know the difference between at home and out in public outfits.
These photos will either break your heart or have you doubled over laughing. Fortunately for us some Walmart people just don’t know the difference between at home and out in public outfits.
死に逝く人の最後の願い The Last Wish For a Dying Man [Video]
The last wish for a dying homeless man’s was to see his female dog, Yurtie one last time. The dog lived with the 57-year-old Kevin McClain from Cedar Rapids in his car. The last time they were together was shortly before Kevin contracted lung cancer and died. Yurtie now has a new family.
The last wish for a dying homeless man’s was to see his female dog, Yurtie one last time. The dog lived with the 57-year-old Kevin McClain from Cedar Rapids in his car. The last time they were together was shortly before Kevin contracted lung cancer and died. Yurtie now has a new family.
刺しゅうアート Thread Paintings by Cayce Zavaglia
アメリカ人アーティストのCayce Zavagliaさんは、糸を重ねて縫うことによって繊細でリアルな肖像画を作成することができます。針と糸だけで作られたとは到底思えない素晴らしい作品をご覧ください。
Cayce Zavaglia creates these impossibly layered embroidered portraits using methods more akin to delicate brush strokes with perfectly mixed paint than your mother’s cross-stitch.
Cayce Zavaglia creates these impossibly layered embroidered portraits using methods more akin to delicate brush strokes with perfectly mixed paint than your mother’s cross-stitch.
世界最長石造鉄道橋!! World’s Largest Stone Arch [Video]
ソルカン橋 Solkanski most (Solkan Bridge)
Solkan Bridge is a 220-metre long stone bridge over the river Soca near Nova Gorica in western Slovenia. With an arch span of 85 metres it is the second longest stone arch in the world and the longest stone arch among train bridges. It was built in the time of the Secession, between 1900 and 1906. The bridge was designed by R. Jaussner and L. Oerley, at first with 80-metre long stone arch.
Solkan Bridge is a 220-metre long stone bridge over the river Soca near Nova Gorica in western Slovenia. With an arch span of 85 metres it is the second longest stone arch in the world and the longest stone arch among train bridges. It was built in the time of the Secession, between 1900 and 1906. The bridge was designed by R. Jaussner and L. Oerley, at first with 80-metre long stone arch.
恐ろし巨大ヤシガニ! Gigantic Coconut Crabs : Amazing Pictures [Video]
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