

切り絵アート 尾関幹人  Mikito Ozeki Cutouts, Kirie Art [Video]


Mikito Ozeki is an amazing artist as you can see by his cutout art.


世界最大のエメラルド5万7500カラット!! World’s Largest Emerald [Video]


World’s largest emerald worth $1.15 milion is up for auction. Put that on her finger.


ペットとエレベーターに乗り込むときは気をつけて! OMG. What a Nightmare! [Video]


Worst moment of this guy’s life for sure.

吸い込まれそうなアラビア女性の魅惑的な瞳 Stunning Arabian Females Eyes! [Video]


生きている本物の金魚にしか見えません! Incredible 3D Sculptural Art Painted Layer by Layer [Video]


Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori creates incredible three-dimensional artwork by applying acrylic paint on multiple layers of transparent liquid resin. The resin is mixed with a hardener or catalyst, allowing Riusuke to paint each successive layer (similar to a 3D printer), eventually creating a ‘sculptural painting’ that can be viewed at various angles and vantage points. The time-consuming technique gives his work incredible depth and realism.

あなたならどっちを選びますか? What Would You Choose: Megan Fox Island or Mike Tyson Island? [Video]


This is why it I important to learn English, folks…

カモフラージュな私はどこでしょうか?  Coolest and Unexpected Camouflages


You know that old joke that people love to tell you when you're wearing camo-”Oh, I didn't see you there, because you were camouflaged!” Well, that joke is about to become a reality, as a North Carolina company has begun creating custom site-specific camo gear. Now no one is safe, because someone may be blending in with the wall, or sofa, or even your front lawn! Better carry around a sharp stick just in case. On the other side, if you hold still too long you may be exposed to things you can't unsee, and therapy is very pricey these days, so please use this new camo fabric with care.

レディ・ガガ秘密のお宝画像 Lady Gaga As You Never Saw



ハリウッド・オークション高額トップ10 !! Top Ten Most Expensive Hollywood Auctions [Video]


Hollywood’s history is laden with legendary actresses and movies whose belongings are almost priceless and the envy of all. For charity and other means many classic masterpieces of old and recent Hollywood movies have been held for auction, and sold for millions of millions of dollars! This top ten list is a well researched layout of the most expensive auctions ever held in the history of Hollywood.


ブーメランピッツァ 面白CF! Pizza Boomerang. Epic. Awesome.


Introducing (I think) the Pizza Boomerang. It’s hard for me to tell. It’s in Spanish (I think) and I didn’t take Spanish in school. Oh no, I took German because that’s such a useful dang language to know. If I could afford a BMW, I might be able to read the instruction manual. That’s about it.So what is the Pizza Boomerang?Well, I’m not really sure even now but I can tell you it’s an epic tale of a muscular dude who tosses a Pizza Boomerang and it stops people jumping off buildings like they work at a Foxconn factory.Hey, I need my iPhone and XBox parts….don’t jump!Anyway, check out this video of an Hispanic Thor tossing around pizza. It’s epic.Oh yeah, it’s also highly NSFW. You’ll know what I mean when the Pizza Boomerang finds the flasher.


ラジコン極小ヘリコプターが$29.99 Small RC Gyro Helicopter [Video]

金属製のRC ジャイロ・ヘリコプター動画があるのでご覧あれ!

What a fun it would be.. This is a tiny R/C Micro Metal Gyro Copter with built in solid state accelerometer, a technology that help to control your flight precisely to up/down, right/left and forward/backward positions. This metal gyro copter uses it's accelerometer to stay locked on whatever direction it's facing. When you rotate right or left in the air it moves incredibly precisely and stops instantly. It takes just 10 mins to charge it via USB or Remote. Watch the video below to see it in action.


Iphone & Ipad に熱中する動物たち! Animals Playing With iPhones And iPads, Slacktory Supercut [Video]


Touch-screen devices like iPhone or iPad applications are very cool and so realistic that animals love to play with it. We have seen many videos on YouTube like African Bull Frog Playing Ant Crusher, Cute Kitten Playing With A Fish Pond iPad Application etc.But recently Slacktory picked the best clips of animals playing touchscreen and created a nice compilation video ‘Supercut: Animals Playing With iPhones’, which is really worth to watch.

クリエイティブでおもしろフェンス集  15 Most Creative Fences


Fences are a symbol of restraint. But, what if you add some creativity and make them friendlier? Meet some of the coolest ideas.


コスタ・コンコルディア号事故の衛星画像  Capsized Cruise Ship Costa Concordia from Space

コスタ・フォーチュナ級の全長を延ばした拡大改良型でカーニバル・クルーズ・ラインのコンクェスト級(cf. カーニバル・コンクェスト)とほぼ同型となるコンコルディア級の1番船として、2006年6月30日、イタリアのフィンカンティエリ社のセストリ・ポネンテ工場で竣工した。船価は5億6,500万ドル(当時の日本円で約650億円)。同年7月7日にチヴィタヴェッキアで行われた命名式にて、ファッションモデルで女優のエヴァ・ハーツィゴヴァによって命名され、同月9日より就航した。イタリア中部はトスカーナ州の西に広がるティレニア海に浮かぶジリオ島(イーゾラ・デル・ジリオ)のジリオ港沖 500m地点(北緯42度21分53秒、東経10度55分16秒)で、2012年1月13日(金曜日)、現地時間で午後8時ごろ、乗客・乗員約4,230名を乗せたまま、暗礁に乗り上げて座礁し、浸水・転覆した。17日時点で乗客5名・乗員1名の死亡が確認され、乗客・乗員の行方不明者は29名となっている。

In this startling satellite image by DigitalGlobe, the capsized cruise ship Costa Concordia can be seen near the island of Giglio in Italy on January 17, 2012. As of today, search has been suspended after the ship slipped. Twenty-three people are still missing and 11 and confirmed dead after the ship crashed into rocks on Friday.Captain Francesco Schettino is under house arrest, accused of causing the crash. Prosecutors have also accused him of fleeing the Costa Concordia before evacuation was complete. The ship, carrying 4,200 passengers and crew, had its hull ripped open when it hit rocks late on Friday, just hours into a Mediterranean cruise.

wikipedia    source

アニメーション ムンクの叫び  ‘Edvard Munch's Scream’ Gets Animated [Video]

世界の“おなべ” 10 10 Handsome Men (Who Were Born Female)


These ten men are all successful, handsome, and accomplished in their chosen fields. They were also all born as women!


ソフィア・ローレン レア画像 Rare Pictures of Sophia Loren

イタリアの首都であるローマで、ロミーダ・ヴィラーニとリカルド・シコローネの間に生まれた内縁の子であった。幼少時はナポリ近郊のポッツオーリで貧困の中成長し、1950年代初頭にヨーロッパ映画に端役として出演した。その当時の名前はソフィア・ラッツアーロであった。彼女は後の夫となるカルロ・ポンティに見いだされ、彼の制作する多くの映画に出演した。彼女の初期の主演作の1つは1953年の『Due notti con Cleopatra』であった。同作は他の初期主演作と同様に、彼女の肉感的な体を強調した作品であった。さらに幾つかの作品にはトップレスで出演した。それらの作品は当時のヨーロッパでは受け入れられたが、イギリスやアメリカではそのような場面はカットされた。彼女は1951年にハリウッドの超大作『クオ・ヴァディス』に端役で出演したが、1957年の『島の女』が公開されると彼女は国際的スターと見なされるようになった。この作品において、彼女の水に濡れて体のラインが浮き立つシーンは象徴的であった。彼女はその初期のハリウッド作品『楡の木蔭の欲望』(ユージン・オニールの演劇)、『月夜の出来事』(ケーリー・グラントとのロマンティック・コメディ)、『黒い蘭』(アンソニー・クインとのロマンチック・ドラマ)でセックスシンボルとしてだけではなく、演技力と喜劇的な実力をも証明した。ケーリー・グラントとは恋愛関係にあったことを、のちに発表した自伝『生きて愛して』で公表した。

Sophia Loren was born Sofia Villani Scicolone on September 20, 1934, in a poverty-stricken part of Rome, Italy. Her father, Riccardo Scicolone, refused to marry her mother, Romilda Villani, but allowed Sofia and her younger sister Maria to take his surname. Loren began her career portraying sexy vamps in the pages of Italian photo mags known as fumetti. This fiery bombshell burned up the silver screen to become the epitome of the European sexpot. Her full lips and hourglass physique did to men what Pamela Anderson did in the ’90s.


白熊赤ちゃんをレスキュー Baby Bear Rescued In Chukotka [Video]


This cute Polar bear was found in Chukotka after his mother bear was killed by poachers. The bear cub would have starved to death if it hadn’t been sheltered by a kind-hearted family.

オッドアイの美女たち Beautiful Girls With odd eye

虹彩異色症(こうさいいしょくしょう、heterochromia iridis)は、左右の眼で虹彩の色が異なる、もしくは、一方の瞳の虹彩の一部が変色する形質のこと。バイアイ(bi-eye、片青眼)やオッドアイ (odd-eyes) も虹彩異色を表す言葉として使われることがあり、特に動物に対して使われることが多い。また、名称だけでなく発症割合としても、ヒトよりもイヌやネコが発症する場合が多い。

With eyes like these they look even more attractive.

パリ・ダカール・ラリー 2012 The Dakar 2012 Rally [Video]


More than 500 teams are currently speeding across the deserts of Argentina, Chile, and Peru, racing more than 8,300 km (5,150 mi) in the 33rd annual Dakar Rally. Competitors pit themselves against the elements, driving specialized off-road cars, trucks, motorcycles, and quadbikes through challenging terrain for two weeks. One rider, Argentine Jorge Martinez Boero, has already died this year in a crash. The 2012 Dakar Rally began in Mar del Plata, Argentina, on January 1, and racers will reach the finish line in Lima, Peru, on Sunday, January 15 — after which I will add a few more photos to complete coverage of this year’s competition. [36 photos so far]

黙示録カレンダー2012 Apocalypse Tomorrow 2012 Calendar


シャム双生児の涙 Double The Tears- “Siamese” Twins

結合双生児(けつごうそうせいじ)とは、体が結合している双生児のことである。シャム双生児とも呼ばれるが、シャムに結合双生児が多いからというのは全くの俗説であり、これは有名な結合双生児の興業名「The Siamese Twins」を語源としている。

一卵性双生児の発生において、通常、受精後およそ10日以内に受精卵が分裂した場合は完全に分離した双生児が発生するが、受精後13日目以降に分裂が起きた場合、原始結節や原始線条の部分的な分離によって結合体が生じる。結合部位により胸結合体、殿結合体、頭蓋結合体などが分類される。グースコイド (Goosecoid) のような遺伝子の発現異常が原因となることもある。生命維持に必要な器官が共有されていない場合に限り、外科的に分離することが出来る。ただし、脳や心臓などの非常に重要な臓器が結合している2人を分離して両者が生存した例もある。またイギリスでは「分離しなければすぐに2人とも死ぬ」として「片方を殺さなければ分離出来ない」双子の分離が認められたこともある。同性以外の結合双生児や、3人以上の結合児は確認されていない。通常の分娩が行われることは稀で、現在では大半が帝王切開によって出生する。

Conjoined twins occur in roughly 1 in every 200 identical twin pregnancies and are always identical. Actual numbers for conjoined births vary from 1 in 20,000 to 1 in 100,000 pregnancies, and 40-60% are stillborn, with many others dying within the first few days after birth. About 70% of conjoined twins are female, the reason for which is unknown. Separation has been attempted on almost all conjoined twins born since the 1950s with varying results, although the first successful separation was performed in Basel, Switzerland in 1689 on twin girls born joined by a ligament at the sternum . The first conjoined twins to be successfully separated in “modern” times are generally believed to be Catherine and Caroline Mouton of Louisiana, born joined at the lower back and separated in 1953 at 8 days of age. Both survived the operation, but Catherine committed suicide in 1985. The most famous pair of conjoined twins was Chang and Eng Bunker, Thai brothers born in Siam, now Thailand. They traveled with P.T. Barnum’s circus for many years and were billed as the Siamese Twins.


2011年世界長者ベスト10  2011 World’s Richest People

アップルのスティーブ・ジョブズは110位にランクイン。映画「ソーシャル・ネットワーク」などで話題のSNS・Facebookの創業者マーク・ザッカーバーグはなんと52位。マーク・ザッカーバーグは去年212位(40億ドル)だった。下表の資産は 1$ = 83円で換算。

Forbes list of world’s richest people is composed of two records: total number of listees (1,210) and combined wealth ($4.5 trillion).
This year Brazil, Russia, India and China have 108 billionaires out of 214. One of four members of the 2011 Forbes list belongs to one of these 4 countries. China produced 115 billionaires this year whereas Russia- 101. Beforehand only U.S. had ever produced more than 100 billionaires. Let’s find out who became the top 10 richest people this year.

おもしろおばあちゃん! Funny Grandma [Video]



ビューティフル、ヒルトン姉妹!!! Famous Hilton Sisters [Video]


The famous Hilton sisters, Paris and Nicky. The look as if they have been painted, don't you think?


3分で仕上げちゃうストリート・アーティスト Incredibly Talented Street Artist Is Freaking Fast [Video]


Awesome speed finger painting by Fabian Gaete Maureira from Santiago de Chile, Chile.

シナモンチャレンジ4連発!!!! Girl vs Cinnamon. Challenge Accepted! [Video]


クールなピアス( イアリング ) Choose Your Ear-Style


‘Diamonds are the girl’s best friends’ – as they say. These earrings are not made of diamonds but never mind not having big-money value, they certainly have an artistic value. A ‘living’ proof that not just expensive things are interesting!


バスでの暮らしもいいもんだ! Living in a Bus [Video]


Mike and Natalie Young hаvе еmbаrked on a journey tоgеthеr аs newlyweds аnd living in а renovated school bus thеу named “Rosie”. They buy it for about $3,000. Thеу аrе accompanied bу thеir faithful companion Atlas, а rеscuеd dоg thеу fоund а few months ago.


フライングスーツでのジャンプ動画  Flying Get [Video]


Full screen HD highly recommended! Thx for sharing Dalmo!

エイズで亡くなったセレブたち! Celebrities Who Died of AIDS


They came in this world in no matter what conditions, they lived to celebrate the greatness of their lives, but sadly, the exit of every single name listed on this page was extremely dreadful. TopYaps lists ten famous celebrities who died of the miserable disease – AIDS. But we know, they’ll be remembered for their contributions to our culture and for enriching us all through their stellar talents.


ビューティフル マリリン・モンロー画像集 Beautiful Marilyn Monroe Photos


Eve Arnold, pioneering photojournalist, passed away today at the age of 99. While Arnold was the master of many styles and subjects, she is best known for her intimate portraits of Marilyn Monroe. Here are a few of those photos to celebrate the life and work of an amazing talent.

Lady Gaga Shoots for L’Uomo Vogue

Lady Gaga gives a tremendous, eye catching shoots for L’Uomo Vogue for “The Big Ones”. From the pictures belong you can make out how shock valued pictures are they


売れないモデルさん時代の有名人たち Famous People’s Endorsements from the Past


Those who read teen magazines from the 1999-2001, remember these celebrities having their pictures taken for various product advertising.


「量子浮揚(クォンタムレビテーション)」で反重力レースを再現したムービー Controlled Quantum Levitation on a Wipe'Out Track [Video]


Here is a short footage on our recent work on quantum levitation. We were inspired by the game Wipe'out to do our work. With this new technology, we hope to revolutionize the world of motor transport; Maybe in a near future we could assist to a real Wipe'out race.


それって首ですよね! Weirdest Necks


Meet some weird people that are going to make you say 'what the... neck?'

砂による芸術!  Sculptures in Sand [Video]


Building shapes in the sand has been around since ancient Egypt when the pharaohs would design their pyramids in the sand. Now, people are using sand to create everything from miniature castles, to complete works of art! Just like traditional sculpture creating these amazing sculptures takes time and practice. But anyone can learn how to do it with nothing more than some free time at the beach!

KGBの秘密兵器! KGB Spy Toys


Look through the small devices that were used by agents of KGB some dozens of years ago.

Iphone に? ? ? の柴犬! Confused shibainu [Video]


Our shiba-inu is watching a video of a dog on my husband's iPhone, and he looks really coufused...

実際にジェット・エンジンを搭載したバット・モビル! Most Amazing Batmobile Replica [Video]


We have seen many Batman fans creating their own self built replicas of the dark knight’s batmobile but none of them compare to Casey Putsch’s Batmobile.
Casey of Putsch Racing has taken his Batmobile replica one step further than most by fitting an actual jet engine under the hood.

This car looks identical to the batmobile from Tim Burton’s Batman movie and even though it’s powered by a jet turbine engine it is actually road legal.

Twenty nine year old Casey dreamed of being a race driver but never managed to get any sponsors to achieve his goal. So, to prove to the world that he had talent Casey went about building the ultimate Batmobile replica.

双子でもよく見ると・・・  As Like As Peas


Hеrе wе'vе gоt 9 portraits оf identical twins crеаtеd bу New York-based phоtоgrapher Martin Schoeller. Dо thеу rеаlly lооk identical?