

サスペンス映画の神様ヒッチコック Greatest Film Director Ever

サー・アルフレッド・ジョウゼフ・ヒッチコック(Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock, KBE, 1899年8月13日 - 1980年4月29日)は、イギリスの映画監督、映画プロデューサー。1939年からはおもにアメリカで活躍した。スリラー映画で成功し、製作・脚本・編集・美術も手がけた。サスペンス映画の神様とも称される。

How many film directors do you know about ? If you watch movies then you’d surely know some famous film directors. But who do you think is the GREATEST FILM DIRECTOR OF ALL TIMES ? Many names will be spinning in your mind but don’t get confused. SIR ALFRED HITCHCOCK is considered to be the greatest film director of all times.

暗殺者の家  /  The Man Who Knew Too Much 1934

バルカン超特急  /  The Lady Vanishes 1938

レベッカ  /  Rebecca 1940

疑惑の影  /  Shadow Of A Doubt 1943

白い恐怖  /  Spellbound 1945


Despite of the fact that film industry has progressed a lot and there has been enormous development in the technology and effects used in the movies today, HITCHCOCK remains on top with his BRILLIANCE. You see more and more movies with blistering action and amazing special effects. Also the cameras used today are very advanced which can give you scenes with ULTRA SLOW MOTION and hence touch your heart. Bottom line is that today, the directors have more facilities and equipment with which they can fascinate the viewers.

ロープ  /  Rope 1948

見知らぬ乗客  /  Strangers On A Train 1951

ダイヤルMを廻せ  /  Dial M For Murder 1954

裏窓  /  Rear Window 1954

知りすぎていた男  /  The Man Who Knew Too Much 1956

間違えられた男  /  The Wrong Man 1956

めまい / Vertigo 1958

北北西に進路をとれ /  North By Northwest 1959

サイコ  /  Psycho 1960


But imagine the era when SIR ALFRED HITCHCOCK made a lot of awesome movies only with the help of his mind and no technology or advanced cameras or special effects or stuff like that. It was his direction or in other words his mind that presented the movie in such a brilliant way that even today his movies are considered more popular than the super hits of modern age. Take IMDB for instance. You see many HITCHCOCK movies in the TOP250 list and they’ve got really good ratings. I put IMDB here because the list provided by IMDB is made by users opinion and not by critics. So it shows the popularity of HITCHCOCK in the viewers and not among critics and I consider this popularity more important than any other.


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