いくら過去に栄華を誇ったロックスターでも老化現象に悩みます的一覧画像、 冷ややかに微笑んでいるそこのあなた、そうあなたです。他人事ではありませんよすぐにあなたの番がやってきます。ふふふふ・・・・
Booze, drugs and groupies can take a toll on a body. Here is a collection of rock stars when some of them first appeared on the scene and then present day. Don’t judge too harshly, you’re going to be there too someday.
Booze, drugs and groupies can take a toll on a body. Here is a collection of rock stars when some of them first appeared on the scene and then present day. Don’t judge too harshly, you’re going to be there too someday.
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