special guestttt come from japannnnn apache yukichi and turban noguchi !!
暇に任せてブログってみました。ポリシーもなくテーマもなく平々凡々のんべんだらりとメインにはなりきれずサブでもなくいつもいつもスタンバッています。そんなでよろしいでしょうか?暇がある方覗いてみてください。ぬるい情報中心にうPしております ^^
お金をいじって遊びました。 Playing With Money: Defacing Presidents and Funny Modifications
Having fun with money seems to be a hobby of many people out there. I guess nobody ever told them not to play with money. On the other hand, since there is a wide range of money notes and currencies that you may find here messed up and made creative use of, I guess that is a common feature to a lot of people out there, to play with money, by defacing presidents, modification it in a creative way or writing creative jokes on them.Although, you would have to admit that some inspired ideas are really worth realized no matter the cost. I know that I would gladly exchange my money to some of these dollar bills no matter what the exchange rate was.
豪華なゴールド・メタリック仕様車 10 Luxurious Gold Plated Cars
アラブ人所有のゴールドメッキ車のコレクションです高価でしょうね、でもせっかくの良い車がだいなし、成金、下品仕様にされちゃって・・と思う私はやはり貧乏人の僻みしか出てこないセレブとは縁のない人間なんでしょうねwww Luxury is something expensive or hard to obtain. But is anything expensive for Middle East? Well this post features a collection of gold plated cars owned by the Arabs.
後方気流が体感できる空港! Saint Martin Airport
セント・マーチン島ランドサット衛星写真セント・マーチン島(仏:サン・マルタン島(Saint Martin)、蘭:シント・マールテン島(Sint Maarten))は、カリブ海は小アンティル諸島のリーワード諸島にある島で、フランス領の北部とオランダ領の南部に分割されており、英名でフランス領側はフレンチ・サイド (French Side)、オランダ領側はダッチ・サイド (Dutch Side) とも表して呼ばれているが、現地では基本的に島名でも使っている、サン・マルタンがフランス領側の北部で、シント・マールテンがオランダ領側の南部と領域の呼び名で表現して表している。なお、フランス語と同綴りの「セント・マーチン島」は英語名である。 海岸は出入りが多く、山地が島の中央から南に延びており最高峰はフランス領側にあるピク・パラディ(424m)。フランス領側のサン・マルタンの周囲にはティンタマール島などの小島も含む。フランスの領土とオランダの領土が地続きで接しているのは、世界でここだけである。セント・マーチン島の面積は88Km²で、フランス領側のサン・マルタン(フレンチ・サイド)は54km²、人口は31,397人、中心地はマリゴである。オランダ領側のシント・マールテン(ダッチ・サイド)は34km²、人口は35,000人で中心地はフィリップスブルフである。
Saint Martin is an island with around 87 Km2 of area, located in the Caribbean’s. In spite of its small size, it is shared by two nations, the Northern part belonging to France and the southern section belonging to the Netherlands. It is therefore called Sint Maarten, in Dutch. But these geographical peculiarities are not what makes this island special, but rather its famous Princess Juliana International Airport, known as SXM, on its Dutch side. This airport, aside from being used by large-scale airplanes, also has... a beach
Saint Martin is an island with around 87 Km2 of area, located in the Caribbean’s. In spite of its small size, it is shared by two nations, the Northern part belonging to France and the southern section belonging to the Netherlands. It is therefore called Sint Maarten, in Dutch. But these geographical peculiarities are not what makes this island special, but rather its famous Princess Juliana International Airport, known as SXM, on its Dutch side. This airport, aside from being used by large-scale airplanes, also has... a beach
名車中の名車、フェラーリ・250TR(テスタロッサ) Awesome Ferrari 250 TR
「思い出コレクション」 The Memories Collection of Charles Peterson
Memories… The older we get, the more memories we have. Artist Charles Peterson has devoted a series of paintings to the memories – “The Memories Collection”. While creatine these paintnings he appealed primarily to his own memories, his paintings are close and understandable to all. They allow the viewer back to a carefree happy childhood and remember the taste of mom’s pie, swimming a race in the pond, gentle voice grandmother … For this effect, the artist uses a combination of bright and clear background with faded human figures, more like ghosts. People who might already be dead, but who will always live in our memories and hearts. Series “The Memories Collection” has 60 paintings. Reproductions of paintings-memories were so popular in society, that the American edition of US Art Magazine included the name of Charles in the top ten representatives of the national printing industry.
Memories… The older we get, the more memories we have. Artist Charles Peterson has devoted a series of paintings to the memories – “The Memories Collection”. While creatine these paintnings he appealed primarily to his own memories, his paintings are close and understandable to all. They allow the viewer back to a carefree happy childhood and remember the taste of mom’s pie, swimming a race in the pond, gentle voice grandmother … For this effect, the artist uses a combination of bright and clear background with faded human figures, more like ghosts. People who might already be dead, but who will always live in our memories and hearts. Series “The Memories Collection” has 60 paintings. Reproductions of paintings-memories were so popular in society, that the American edition of US Art Magazine included the name of Charles in the top ten representatives of the national printing industry.
トム・クルーズの娘スーリちゃん、会えるのはセレブだけ Tom Cruise Daughter
東芝は8月下旬にWindows搭載のノートパソコンとして世界初となる2画面タッチパネルを採用したノートパソコン「libretto W100」を発売するそうです。Toshiba Libretto W100 is out
東芝が2画面タッチパネルを採用した軽量ノート「Libretto W100」を発表、電子書籍リーダーとしても利用可能
Toshiba has announced a dualscreen laptop, the Toshiba Libretto W100. This new Toshiba Libretto W100 has dual 7" 1024 x 600 touch screen, along with a virtual keyboard. You can use one screen as the dispaly and one for the keyboard. It powerd by a 1.2GHz Intel Pentium U5400 processor, 2GB of RAM, and Windows 7 Home Premium. And features include 1 megapixel web camera, a microSD card reader and a battery that will give you up to five hours of usage. It is planning to bring it to market for $1,099 within the next few months. Watch it in action.
Toshiba has announced a dualscreen laptop, the Toshiba Libretto W100. This new Toshiba Libretto W100 has dual 7" 1024 x 600 touch screen, along with a virtual keyboard. You can use one screen as the dispaly and one for the keyboard. It powerd by a 1.2GHz Intel Pentium U5400 processor, 2GB of RAM, and Windows 7 Home Premium. And features include 1 megapixel web camera, a microSD card reader and a battery that will give you up to five hours of usage. It is planning to bring it to market for $1,099 within the next few months. Watch it in action.
クリエイティブな広告たち!! Creative Advertisement
Do you remember the old creative advertisement series that we had on theFucktory some time ago?
飛び降り自殺志願者 Suicide Jumper
If you think everything went wrong, look at this guy. His situation is even worse.
If you think everything went wrong, look at this guy. His situation is even worse.
世界最恐エル・カミニート・デル・レイを踏破しませんか? Fantastically Scary Mountain Path – El Camino Del Rey 2010 HD
エル・カミニート・デル・レイ(El Caminito del Rey)は、スペイン・マラガ県アロラ(Álora)近郊のグアダルオルセ川(Guadalhorce)に沿った花崗岩の峡谷にある古道。”El Caminito del Rey”とはスペイン語で「王の小道」を意味し、また”El Camino Del Rey”(エル・カミーノ・デル・レイ、王の道)とも呼ばれる。ロッククライミングの名所、エル・チョロ(El Chorro)の断崖絶壁に作られているためクライミング目的の観光客がよく訪れるが、現在では道の荒廃・崩落が進んで踏破するには危険な廃道と化しており、基本的に立ち入りは禁止されている。
In 1901 it was obvious that the workers of the Chorro Falls and Gaitanejo Falls needed a walkway to cross between the falls, to provide transport of materials, vigilance and maintenance of the channel. Construction of the walkway took four years; it was finished in 1905.
In 1921 the king Alfonso XIII crossed the walkway for the inauguration of the dam Conde del Guadalhorce and it became known by its present name.The walkway has now gone many years without maintenance, and is in a highly deteriorated and dangerous state. It is one meter (3 feet) in width, and is over 200 meters (700 feet) above the river. Nearly all of the path has no handrail.
In 1901 it was obvious that the workers of the Chorro Falls and Gaitanejo Falls needed a walkway to cross between the falls, to provide transport of materials, vigilance and maintenance of the channel. Construction of the walkway took four years; it was finished in 1905.
In 1921 the king Alfonso XIII crossed the walkway for the inauguration of the dam Conde del Guadalhorce and it became known by its present name.The walkway has now gone many years without maintenance, and is in a highly deteriorated and dangerous state. It is one meter (3 feet) in width, and is over 200 meters (700 feet) above the river. Nearly all of the path has no handrail.
中国、地下鉄車両内で突然若い女性がポールダンスを踊りだす! Pole dancing on the Nanjing Subway
A young woman does some impromptu pole dancing on the newly opened No.2 subway line.
A young woman does some impromptu pole dancing on the newly opened No.2 subway line.
チェスの駒がロボットに! Robotic LEGO Chess
The team used 100,000 LEGO blocks to construct the board and pieces. The cost to build, including the robotic parts・・・・
The team used 100,000 LEGO blocks to construct the board and pieces. The cost to build, including the robotic parts・・・・
コーヒーカップに蟻がたかっているデザインのコーヒーカップとソーサー Ant invasion
No, no, they are not real ) These are hand made decorated cups and spoons.To serve your guests some coffee in there would be a good idea.
No, no, they are not real ) These are hand made decorated cups and spoons.To serve your guests some coffee in there would be a good idea.
2013年「モータルコンバット」が帰ってくるぞ! Mortal Kombat on 2013! Leaked Trailer Video
タイトルを見て“これはつりだな”と思ったのですが動画を見て本物だとしか思えませんでした、この動画はワーナー・ブロスの Mortal Kombat Rebirth のパイロット・ショート・フィルムが流出した物らしいのだそうですがその真偽はわかりませんこのトレーラーフィルムが本物であれば期待できる仕上がりになっていると私は思いました。
Before Jun 7, we all knew Mortal Kombat as one of the ‘god’ arcade games of the versus era during the nineties. And as a bonafide kid of the 90’s – I live with these epic games. And it was really surprising to wake up one day, check out youtube, and there’s a video popping out on the screen with a title –MORTAL KOMBAT. At first I thought it was just a hoax, but after watching the vid. It was pretty legit. Check it out!
Before Jun 7, we all knew Mortal Kombat as one of the ‘god’ arcade games of the versus era during the nineties. And as a bonafide kid of the 90’s – I live with these epic games. And it was really surprising to wake up one day, check out youtube, and there’s a video popping out on the screen with a title –MORTAL KOMBAT. At first I thought it was just a hoax, but after watching the vid. It was pretty legit. Check it out!
ロケットカーの動力源はコークとメントス!! Amazing Coke and Mentos Rocket Car Video
I’m sure you’ve seen that famous mentos-rocket science test, all over the tube and perhaps even on your TV, numerous times already. I for one, love it when mythbusters explain why do these mentos propel like crazy when shoot in a bottle filled with carbonated liquid, like coke.
I’m sure you’ve seen that famous mentos-rocket science test, all over the tube and perhaps even on your TV, numerous times already. I for one, love it when mythbusters explain why do these mentos propel like crazy when shoot in a bottle filled with carbonated liquid, like coke.
参加したい人、この指とまれ!! Finger in the Title Role
この指たちを見ていて創作意欲を掻き立てられませんか?www ここにアップしたキャラだけでストーリーを興し紙芝居仕立てのドラマを創るのもよし、新たにキャラから作りなおしBGMも入れてのスライドショーみたいなのも面白いと思いますよ「めんどくせ~、おまえがやれ!」って仰る方もおられるでしょう、如何せん私めにはそんな才能は微塵もないのです。いつか挑戦したいと思っています。
This is interesting way to use your finger. It looks like we can make a story of these photos. I already have some ideas, but maybe somebody have better? If you create some story of them, leave your contact in comments, and if it is good, we will update post. Enjoy.
This is interesting way to use your finger. It looks like we can make a story of these photos. I already have some ideas, but maybe somebody have better? If you create some story of them, leave your contact in comments, and if it is good, we will update post. Enjoy.
印象的な広告をピックアップしました。 15 Extreme Ads
These advertisements are very memorable. Most of them advertise some cleaning products but also speak of some real life issues, such as world hunger, drug abuse, domestic violence etc.
These advertisements are very memorable. Most of them advertise some cleaning products but also speak of some real life issues, such as world hunger, drug abuse, domestic violence etc.
カリブ・ビター・チョコレート このブラッキーな甘さ!
石田 徹也(いしだ てつや、1973年6月16日 - 2005年5月23日)画家 Surrealistic paintings by Tetsuya Ishida.
石田 徹也(いしだ てつや、1973年6月16日 - 2005年5月23日)は日本の画家。静岡県焼津市出身。地元の静岡県立焼津中央高等学校を経て1996年、武蔵野美術大学視覚伝達デザイン学科卒業。SLやビニール袋、便器などといった日常生活で使用するものと一体化した青年を題材とすることが多く、日常生活に潜む不安や現代社会への風刺を超現実的に描いている。なお、題材としている青年はほとんどが同じような顔をしており、作家本人と似ているため自画像だろうと思われることが多いが、本人は否定している。精力的な活動をしていたが、2005年5月に突然、踏切事故で死去した(自殺の疑いもある)。
The surrealistic paintings of Tetsuya Ishida (1973-2005) explore the dark side of modern life.
The surrealistic paintings of Tetsuya Ishida (1973-2005) explore the dark side of modern life.
ダンボール紙だけでアパートの一室を表現しました。 An apartment detailed built by using carton
ダンボールを使ってアパートを作っているこの作品はアーティスト ドン・ルイスの作品です。キッチン、寝室、家具すべてダンボールですアパートの外を走っている車、事故車までダンボールなんですよ。
“Casa de Karton” is the name of Don Lucho’s project where he has built an apartment using carton and paper. The apartment has all the furniture and other items that a kitchen or a bedroom is expected to have. Being in these “carton rooms” will make you feel like you’re a part of a drawing.
Beside the house he has also made a car wreck out of carton, and placed it on the street so it looks realistic
“Casa de Karton” is the name of Don Lucho’s project where he has built an apartment using carton and paper. The apartment has all the furniture and other items that a kitchen or a bedroom is expected to have. Being in these “carton rooms” will make you feel like you’re a part of a drawing.
Beside the house he has also made a car wreck out of carton, and placed it on the street so it looks realistic
素敵で印象的な洗面器 Impressive Wash Basin Designs
無能な政治家が汚い金で活動し続ける昨今せめて手を洗うときは素敵な洗面台で洗いたい。そこでこれらを紹介しましょう、光の効果とモダンな形体の組み合わせ、手を洗うのが楽しくなるでしょう。創造的で印象的なWash Basin を、お楽しみください。
Your washroom wouldn’t look great without these basins. With the combination of light effect and modern shapes, believe me, you would enjoy washing hands if you got any of these. Here’s a collection of 16 creative and impressive wash basins. Enjoy.
Your washroom wouldn’t look great without these basins. With the combination of light effect and modern shapes, believe me, you would enjoy washing hands if you got any of these. Here’s a collection of 16 creative and impressive wash basins. Enjoy.
ドラマで使う新聞の記事は全て何年も前から同じという件を検証! Newspapers in TV Shows
こんな石鹸作ってみませんか? Weird And Awesome Soap Designs
なんじゃ、これ! 土下座ストラップにコレジャナイロボ・・・
「欲しかったのはこれじゃなーい!!」プレゼントを開けた子供から発せられる悲痛の叫び。楽しいはずの誕生日が突如、修羅場に。こんな経験ありますか?できれば避けたいものです。しかし人生、欲しい物が何のリスクもなしに手に入るなんて話はそうはありません。欲しい物を手に入れる為には努力も必要だという事を何らかの機会に知っておくのも良いでしょう。というコンセプトでできた「コレジャナイロボ」や 戦うサラリーマン達による「土下座」、独特のデフォルメで見事に立体化された彼らの背中からは、哀愁だの覚悟だの、そんな一言では語れないサラリーマンの生き様そのものが匂い立つ。願いを込めて携帯にぶら下げたり、ちょっとしたお詫びの品にいかがでしょうか など、こんなへんてこな商品を製作、販売をしているへんな会社 (有)ザリガニワークスをググッて見ました。
世界一遅いポルシェ Ferdinand GT3 RS Dude Builds the World’s Slowest Porsche
Making use of ULC (ultra light construction) an Austrian car enthusiast managed to build the lightest and slowest Porsche in the world.
Making use of ULC (ultra light construction) an Austrian car enthusiast managed to build the lightest and slowest Porsche in the world.
ブラックジョーク集 Funny Comics
A large portion of humor is waiting for you inside the post. If you love humor and irony, this collection is for you...
A large portion of humor is waiting for you inside the post. If you love humor and irony, this collection is for you...
シャー・ペイ・・・・タオル犬www Shar-Pei – Towel Dog
シャー・ペイ(英:Shar Pei)とは、中国の広東省原産の闘犬用犬種である。時折食用犬であるという記述があるが、シャー・ペイは闘犬専用の犬種であり、それは兄弟分であるチャウチャウとの混同による誤りである。先祖は2000年前に存在していた中国の古代犬種、ハン・ドッグであると考えられている。それから食用のチャウチャウと、この闘犬用のシャー・ペイが分かれて進化した。
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