

マンザナー日系アメリカ人強制収容所 Ansel Adams Captures Life on a Japanese Internment Camp

マンザナー強制収容所(まんざなーきょうせいしゅうようじょ、マンザナールとも、Manzanar concentration camp)は、第二次世界大戦中に日系アメリカ人が収容された収容所の一つ。正式名称は「Manzanar War Relocation Center(当時の訳語はマンザナール戦時轉住所)」、現在はマンザナー国定歴史史跡(Manzanar National Historic Site)。マッキンリー山を除く北米大陸の最高峰であるホイットニー山(マンザナー収容所の敷地からも、かろうじて見ることが出来る)、ならびに、ウィリアムソン山を含むシエラネヴァダ山脈のふもと、カリフォルニア州オーエンズヴァレー(モハベ砂漠、デスヴァレーに連なる)に位置し、南はローンパイン、北はインディペンデンスに接する。日系アメリカ人が収容された10の収容所の中で最もよく知られている。「マンザナー」とはスペイン語で「リンゴ園」を意味する。
建造物のほとんど全てが1940年代に売却され、土地はロサンゼルス市水道電力局(Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, LADWP)に返却された(1942年に同局から賃貸されていた)。しかしながら人々の関心は国立公園局に同地区を史跡として保存させることとなる。現在国立公園局はバラックとトイレの複製を構築している。

Manzanar (which means ‘apple orchard’ in Spanish), is the site of one of ten camps where over 110,000 Japanese Americans were imprisoned during World War II. Located at the foot of the Sierra Nevada in California’s Owens Valley between the towns of Lone Pine to the south and Independence to the north, it is approximately 230 miles (370 km) northeast of Los Angeles.Since the last prisoners left in 1945, former prisoners and others have worked to protect Manzanar and to establish it as a National Historic Site to preserve and interpret the site for current and future generations
In 1943, Ansel Adams (1902-1984), America’s most well-known photographer, documented the Manzanar War Relocation Center in California and the Japanese-Americans interned there during World War II.


双頭の亀さんの映像! Two-headed Turtle. [Video]


A two-headed turtle with two hearts and six legs is on display at Kiev’s natural history museum. The turtle hatched in captivity in Ukraine five years ago.


変顔大集合!!! Divers’ Funny Mid Air Contorted Faces


Thanks to the recent FINA Diving World Cup in London we can all enjoy these intense facial expressions that the average person does not usually make.

低空で音速の壁を越えた瞬間!  Awesome F18 Low Fly-by with Vapor Cone Sighting [Video]


もう少しでうまく渡れたのに・・・  Frozen Canal Crossing Fail [Video]


And this is why you don't try and cross frozen rivers, etc...

ロールスロイス車が高価な理由  How It’s Made – Rolls Royce Phantom [Video]

1998年、ヴィッカーズが所有していたロールス・ロイス社(Rolls-Royce Motors)を買収したドイツの自動車会社、BMWは、新たな自動車会社、ロールス・ロイス・モーター・カーズを設立(1998年)、同社として初めての乗用車として開発され、2003年から発売されたモデルが「ファントム」である。



Rolls Royce Motor Cars are manufactured via a “bespoke” process on a mechanized and computerized assembly line, but most of this process of putting the components together are done by hand. A RR engine is put together usually by one person and by hand. It takes approximately three and a half months from order and deposit to delivery depending on production priorities. Order a limited production run, or one of the coupes, or any special edition that will be rare (ie “Centenary Edition” or “Phantom Black”), or a car that has been “tricked out” with lots of bespoke options (not on the options list but put in the car anyway, like an exclusive color or an extra refrigerator, or wood veneer in places it normally isn’t)–such cars take longer to delivery time, usually around 6 months, sometimes up to a year. The rarer the car the longer the time. Unlike other custom hand built car brands, often called “bespoke cars,” like Maybach or Bentley which can take longer to manufacture, The BMW owned and operated Rolls Royce Motor Car products, sold in the 2008 model year, as the Phantom SWB (Standard Wheelbase) or LWB (Long Wheelbase) Saloons, and the Phantom Fixed and Drop Head Coupes, take a little less time than other brands from order to finished hand assembly.


マッチ棒の芸術 "David Mach" Devil Sculpture Made of Matches Set Ablaze by David Mach [Video]

小さいころに両親から「マッチで遊んではいけません」と厳しくしつけられた人も少なくないのではと思いますが、英国の彫刻家David Machはそんな事を一切気にせずにマッチで遊びまくり、ついにはポップアートの領域にまで達しました。

In an act that was both performative and transformative, David set his sculpture ablaze to create something new and remarkable. The end result was a charred sculpture that looked similar but felt completely different. For those fortunate to witness the transformation, the final artwork is even more startling and impactful.

Below you will find a chronological recount of this fascinating process. Be sure to watch the video at the bottom of the post. Not only do you get to see the work set ablaze, but David provides an interview as well.


私たちのともだち  Our Best Friends

中国製ピストルのクオリティ  If You Buy Bullets Made in China

Magnum 44 右手が吹っ飛ぶくらいの威力です。

若きアーティストのストップモーション絵画  Painting in Motion [Video]

オランダ生まれの画家、Thijme Termaatが両手を使い、見る見るうちに絵画を完成させていくストップモーションアニメーション。

Even more life is breathed into an artist's amazing work.

深海のモンスター  Devil from the Deep Sea


Monsters of the deepest parts of the sea. Tiny sea creatures that never see sunlight look like they’re from another planet or like they are the devil it self


本を使って芸術を楽しもう。  Amazing Structures By Folding Pages Of Books



ハリウッドのおしどり夫婦たち  Hollywood’s Strongest Marriages


Many movie stars are famous for endlessly going through divorces. Still some couples prove that their marriage was truly made in heaven.

ロシア第5世代ジェット戦闘機 T-50 Russian Fifth-Generation Fighter Jet. INFOgraphics [Video]


また、ロシア空軍などの関係者によると、機体には複数の空対地ミサイル、空対艦ミサイルを搭載でき、レーダーには1,500個の素子で構成され、首振り可能な構造にしたAESA(Active Electronically Scanned Array:アクティブ式電子走査アレイ)「N050」 (仮称)を組み込み、これは空中32目標同時捕捉、8目標同時交戦を可能にするとみられている。



Main performance characteristics of Sukhoi T-50 fighter jet and similar foreign aircraft


ほのぼのレスリング犬とサル  Monkey Wrestling with Dog [Video]

『ヴァンパイアハンター・リンカーン』(Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter)オフィシャル・トレーラー   Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (film) [Video]

『ヴァンパイアハンター・リンカーン』(Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter)は、セス・グレアム=スミス(英語版)による2010年のマッシュアップ小説(英語版)である。あらすじは、後に第16代アメリカ合衆国大統領となるエイブラハム・リンカーン少年が母を殺した吸血鬼たちへ復讐する、というものであり、2010年3月16日付の『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』のベストセラーリストでは初登場4位と評価された。20世紀フォックスにより映画化され、2012年6月22日に米国公開が予定されている。監督はティムール・ベクマンベトフ、製作はティム・バートン、リンカーン役はベンジャミン・ウォーカーである。

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is a 2012 American 3D supernatural horror film based on the 2010 mashup novel Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. The film is directed by Timur Bekmambetov and is produced by Bekmambetov and Tim Burton. The novel's author, Seth Grahame-Smith, wrote the adapted screenplay. The real-life figure Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States (1861–1865), is fictionally portrayed in the novel and the film as having a secret identity as a vampire hunter. Benjamin Walker stars as Lincoln. Filming began in Louisiana in March 2011, and the film is being produced in 3D. It is scheduled to be released on June 22, 2012.

逆輸入 欽ちゃんの仮装大賞!!!  Human Shadows - Another Crazy but Funny Japanese Show [Video]


I can’t imagine all the training it required…

タンクマニアが“ティーガーⅥ号戦車”を手作りで作り上げました。!!  Handcrafted Tiger VI Tank Replica [Video]

なんとあの伝説の「無敵の重戦車」ドイツのティーガー六号重戦車を作ってしまいました。ティーガーとは、第二次世界大戦にドイツ国防軍と武装親衛隊が使用したVI号戦車(制式名称 Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf. E (Sd Kfz 181) )の通称。1942年後半からナチス・ドイツが降伏する1945年まで第一線で活躍した重戦車です。書籍における日本語表記は「六号重戦車」「虎号戦車」に始まり、英語読みの「タイガー」やドイツ語での発音の一つである「ティーゲル」が多く見られたが、1970年代後半頃から、現代ドイツ語の音に近い「ティーガー」が見られるようになり、現代ではこの読みで記されることが多い。

A team of big time fans of tanks built a full-scale working replica of the German Tiger VI tank used in World War II. See how these guys put together this monster from beginning to end.

マッチョのビフォー、アフター!  Before and After Muscle Men


These guys literally embody a total transformation from an average guy to a ripped man. See the before and after pictures of these weight lifting freaks.


アンダーワールド4 覚醒 UNDERWORLD 4 AWAKENING - Official Trailer


Kate Beckinsale, star of the first two films, returns in her lead role as the vampire warrioress Selene, who escapes imprisonment to find herself in a world where humans have discovered the existence of both Vampire and Lycan clans, and are conducting an all-out war to eradicate both immortal species.


刑務所でのセレブたち  Celebrities in Jail・・・・

第55回世界報道写真賞の各賞が発表 World Press Photo Contest 2012 Winners

2月10日、世界報道写真(World Press Photo)財団(本部・オランダ)が選ぶ第55回世界報道写真賞の各賞が発表になった。

To view the entire collection of winning images from the 55th World Press Photo Contest: 2012 World Press Photo.


娘のラップトップを打ち抜くお父さん  Dad Shoots Daughter’s Laptop [Video]

イランのくノ一(くのいち)達! 3500 Iranian Women Going Through Ninja Training [Video]


About 3,500 girls are in training to qualify as Kunoichi (female ninjas) under the supervision of ninjutsu instructor Fatima Muamer, says this Press TV report. The program is being hailed as a massive attempt at women’s equality. Check out the video:


最速輸送船が凄い!! Military Catamaran [Video]

HSV-2 スウィフト (HSV-2 Swift)は、オーストラリアの造船会社、インキャット社のアメリカ工場で建造された双胴高速輸送船。アメリカ海軍がチャーターした。初年度のリース料は2,170万ドル。海軍が運用しているが就役はしていない。スマトラ島沖地震の時、支援として派遣された。

Military Catamaran - U.S. Air Force Military catamaran HSV-2 Swift. This powerful ship that can travel long distances at high speed and hit the enemy. size and appearance it is quite impressive.

美しすぎる独裁者の妻 アスマー・アル=アサド!  Asma Al-Assad Called the Most Elegant World's First Lady [Video]


At the end of the contest, held by the French magazine Elle in 2008 (led by the jury renowned designer Sonia Rykiel), Syrian President's wife - Asma al-Assad has been named the most elegant first lady of the world.


ブラック・マーケット From ロシア  Arms For Black Market


The ground contains a lot of arms left after World War II. Sometimes people find it but not all of them hand it in to the officials. Check out this collection of arms found in the woods of the country to be sold in black market.


やっぱり好き台湾美人! Beautiful Taiwanese!!!!!

異種動物間の友情画像集 PartⅡ Animals Friendship - Great Photos PartⅡ


In humans, some friendships are for a reason, some are for a season and a few are for a life time, but animals have no expectations and make it for a life time. The most amazing thing that we’ve ever seen between animals is unusual friendship that occurs between two different species. What is surprising is that it occurs even between the predator and prey! These differing species are creatures which experience no prejudices and no fears toward each other. Unlikely yet too cute animal friends look beyond immense differences and across all boundaries. Here are many inter species friends which might make you think awe or can’t we all just get along?


人型ラジコン飛行機をニューヨークで飛ばしました!!  Flying People in New York City [Video]


In the last couple of weeks, New Yorkers may have noticed people flying over and around the Brooklyn Bridge. It turns out it was a publicity stunt designed by Thinkmodo for the the movie "Chronicle," which is due to release Feb. 3. In the movie, three teenage boys develop superpowers.


ネコちゃんの寝相一覧!! Cats Sleeping In Weird Ways


Unless you are a feline, very small or really flexible do not try these sleeping positions at home. However, we can all enjoy these adorable kitties snoring away the day in seemingly uncomfortable positions.

タトゥ ペアレンツ  Tattooed Parents


Not every parent looks the same, but these Mom and Dads definitely stand out from the crowd.

再びシナモン・チャレンジ!! Greatest Cinnamon Challenge Reaction Ever [Video]


頭が180°回転するイケメン!!! Man Turns His Head 180 Degrees [Video]


2012ギネス世界記録画像集!! Famous Magazine – Guinness Book of Records for the Year 2012


Here is the fastest, large and small, funny and silly records for 2011,which fell in the “Guinness Book of Records 2012.”


中国の格安サンドウイッチ!  Cheap China Made Sandwiches

合法ドラッグ Legal And Semi-Legal Drugs


Cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin generate headlines when it comes to drug use. But in recent years, legal substances have done considerably more damage. Overdose deaths in the United States caused by prescription painkillers, for example, now exceed deaths caused by cocaine and heroin combined. At least those painkillers require a doctor’s note. As Demi Moore’s recent hospitalization for alleged use of nitrous oxide suggests, there is a reason why a growing number of over-the-counter, legal, and quasi-legal substances have public health and law-enforcement officials alarmed. Here are seven of the most dangerous legal drugs.