

美しく上品なオセロット!  The Adorable Ocelot [Video]


The Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), also known as the dwarf leopard, is a wild cat distributed over South and Central America and Mexico, but has been reported as far north as Texas and in Trinidad, in the Caribbean. The ocelot is similar in appearance to a domestic cat. Its fur resembles that of a clouded leopard or jaguar and was once regarded as particularly valuable. As a result, hundreds of thousands of ocelots were once killed for their fur. The feline was classified a “vulnerable” endangered species from 1972 until 1996, but is now rated “least concern” by the 2008 IUCN Red List.

Below you will find 30 amazing pictures of this beautiful animal along with additional facts scattered throughout. Enjoy!




世界の偽マクドナルド! Fake McDonald’s Around the World


If it was in the Western World, McDonald’s would sue any company that dared use its famous Golden Arches logo in their name. But in Asian countries and in the Middle East, people are more than willing to rip off the easily identifiable logo to make some bucks.


超小型折りたたみ自転車 Ultra-Compact Folding Bike By Dom Hargreaves [Video]


Dom Hargreaves is ultra-compact bile that folds entirely in the space of a 26-inches wheel circumference. The designer has presented the bike in James Dyson Award to win funds for this prototype bike. Check out the video below!

ピンボール・ビルディング! Pinball Building [Video]


A performance to flip gigantic in mapping 3D on the facade from the theater of the Célestinses to Lyons, on the occasion of the Feast of Light 2011. A performance achieved by the collective CT Light Concept. UFUNK.net


3本の足とふたつの生殖器を持つ男 A Man with Sixteen Toes

3本足を持つシャム双生児の亜種男性 Francesco Lentiniフランチェスコ=レンティーニは3本の足を保有しているイタリア人だ。1889年に生まれた12番目の子供だが、母体が劣化していたためであろうか?異なる3本目の足を生殖器の脇にはやした状態で生まれた。シャム双生児の亜種だ。 8歳で、イタリアから米国に移り、リングリングブラザーズサーカスに出場し道化師としての道を歩んだ。
彼はテレサマレーと結婚し、彼らは4人の子供を授かったが、1966年9月22日 フロリダで没した。

Born in 1889, Francesco Lentini was the twelfth kid in his family. He wasn’t an ordinary boy. Go inside the post to see his story.
Francesco was born with 3 legs, 2 sets of functioning genitals and a rudimentary foot growing from his third leg’s knee. In total, he had four feet and 16 toes. He was first raised by his aunt who later sent the boy to a home for disabled kids. Here he learned how to ice skate and even jump rope.


素晴らしいワインラック Most Creative Wine Racks


マドンナのリーク画像 Photos of Madonna


Oh my Got!



セレブも近くで見ると? Celebrities with Closer Look


Many have an opinion that the star is something fantastic, a perfect and unearthly.
In fact, they are the same as all. Let's take a closer look at them and see for yourself. Nicole Richie Robert Pattinson Victoria Beckham , Tom Cruise Katie Perry , Jennifer Lopez Zooey Deschanel Rose McGowan Scarlett Johansson Meg Ryan Tilda Swinton Katy Perry Bradley Cooper Stewart Kirstie Alley Kate Winslet Adam Sandler Mickey Rourke Gemma Ward , Ann Coulter , Chris Humphreys Hilary Duff Jessica Alba, Donatella Versace, Reese Witherspoon, Leonardo Di Caprio, Mila Kunis , Ralph Fiennes, Angelina Jolie , Pamela Anderson, Paz de la Huerta , Demi Moore Ashton Kutcher , Emma Watson, Blake Lively , George Clooney, Ryan Gosling Fergie Katy Perry P. Diddy Selena Gomez Justin Bieber , Jenny McCarthy, Rihanna Goldie Hawn Natalie Portman , Clint Eastwood , Kim Kardashian Christina Aguilera Tori Spelling Avril Lavigne Paris Hilton , Jennifer Love Hewitt, Arnold Schwarzenegger , Jennifer Aniston .


倒産しちゃったセレブリティたち Celebrities Who Bankrupted


When you think of those celebrities, I am sure that it will cross your mind all the money they are making. And when I see people who earned that amount of money go bankrupt, it makes me depressed. What is left for me to hope for? Some will say easy come, easy go. But, when you think of it, we made them, there must be something in that. What these people did, it will remain a mystery to me. Maybe wrong investments or unreasonable spending money on weird stuff, just to show off, or something third, I don’t know. Lets see the list, and maybe we’ll come up with idea what happened here. There must be a pattern these people missed, and got themselves in this positions.


やくざな金魚! Tattoo art on a goldfish


Goldfish is a popular tattoo and it is a symbol of wealth and harmony. But in a craze sweeping China, goldfish are themselves being inked! Can you believe this?
They are being inked with patterns and characters intended to being their owners good fortune. These inked goldfish have been presented on tropical products trade fair in Haikou in the Hainan province of China on Wednesday.


真っ白のアルビノ・カタツムリ発見! Rare Snail All in White [Video]


Some tourists in New Zealand Kahurangi National Park had discovered an albino snail that is all in white except its shell.
It’s speculated that this adult snail is at least 10 years old and, the surprise of which, however, conspicuous colour of white is very eye-catching and easily being attacked by predators, so lucky


豪華ヨットでセーリング! Maltese Falcon [Video]


Maltese Falcon is the third largest sailing yacht in the world. It costs more than 130 million USD. If you prefer to rent Maltese Falcon it will cost you about $600,000 per week.

超リアルな絵画! Hyper Realistic Paintings That Look Like Photos

写真ではありません。 not photos!

脅威、天使の歌声! Little Girl Definitely Steals the Show [Video]


This is what happened after the girl was encouraged to sing the loudest she could…. lol!

わけあり親子画像! The Hidden Mother


The Hidden Mother was a practice where the mother, often disguised or hiding, often under a spread, holds her baby tightly for the photographer to insure a sharply focused image.


点描画スキルを検証 Drawing Skill with Ink Dots [Video]

320万点々、210時間かかっちゃいました。by Miguel Endara

The making of "Hero," a drawing of my dad composed entirely out of 3.2 million ink dots.



セレブ・ビューティたちのスッピンチェック! Celebrities With No Makeup: A Reality Check


Celebrities With No Makeup: A Reality Check


ジングルベルを熱唱萌え萌え子羊 Singing Lambs [Video]


I'm not particularly filled with holiday cheer (at least not yet), but -- holy Father Christmas -- this is cute. Leave it to Brooks Brothers to do something bougie like wrapping white lambs in cashmere scarves.

おとぎばなしのエンディング! Fairy Tale Ending


See How The Fairy Tale End

帰ってきたスノーマン! Freaky Snowman [Video]


インタビュー時に眠りに落ちてるハリー・ベラフォンテ爆睡で爆笑! Harry Belafonte Falls Asleep on Live TV Interview [Video]


Harry Belafonte apparently needs to get to bed earlier. Or maybe he was just in some deep, transcendental meditative state. Either way, dude could not wake up for an interview with KBAK in Bakersfield, Calif., while ON THE AIR.


映画“大脱走”を超えるドラッグ・トンネル摘発 Major Cross-border Drug Tunnel [Video]

メキシコ当局は2011年12月1日、11月29日に、米国からの情報を元に、メキシコ側ティファナ Tijuanaから米国カルフォルニア州San Ysidroまで、地下約4.6mを600m堀進んだ密輸トンネルを発見、中から32トンのマリファナ(6500万ドル相当:約48億円、一度の押収では歴代2位)を押収した。

Police hаvе discovered а “major cross-border drug tunnel” running to California from Mexico, аnd seized mоrе thаn 17 tons of marijuana.

グラフィック・デザイナーAyaka Ito がもっと知りたい? 4D Pictures of Ayaka Ito аnd Randy Church [Video]

アーティスト伊藤 綾香さんを紹介いたします。

Designer аnd photographer, Ayaka Ito аnd professional photoshoper Church Randy hаve created аn amazing collaboration. Аs a result оf their cooperation they got digital portraits оf people, women frоm wires аnd tapes.


敵か友達か?かわいいワンコとにゃんこ。 Cute Animal Friends or Enemies [Video]

ウォールマートの痛い人々! People of WalMart


New part of photos of funny and strange people in WalMart.

毛玉っていうレベルを超えている野良犬を助けます。 A Ball of Filth Becomes a Ball of Fluff


Quebec Society for the Protection of Animals (SPA) had to treat, but more importantly, clean up a stray dog that was extremely dirty.
Remember that not everything you are about to see is pleasant.

The hair of the animal was so long that the dog seemed to double its size. In addition, the dirt that had accumulated was so significant that a thick crust had formed on the poor dog.

マイケルの邸宅まだ売れ残っています、あなた買いませんか? The Final House of Michael Jackson on Sale


The house where Michael Jackson died in 2009 is now on sale. Everything has remained untouched here since his death. Let’s take a short tour inside the house and see singer’s bedroom, library, bathroom, cinema and other rooms.

ハリウッド小道具倉庫潜入ここで公開! Incredible Hollywood Prop Warehouse


Welcome to Hollywood’s most interesting place, movie prop warehouse. It has tons of stuff that we see in movies.

脅威の氷の世界! A Real Life Ice World


Mother Nature can be cruel when she wants, but sometimes we can only marvel at the breathtaking scenery she creates.

Amazing Robot Dance! [Video]