

この子猫がこんなに育ちました。集!!  Kittens and Grown-up Cats [Video]


Kittens have the cutest habits that accompany them even when they are grown-up. Take a look. Enjoy


世界の不気味な廃精神病院 Creepy Abandoned Asylums [Video]


Dozens of abandoned mental asylums litter forgotten landscapes across the world.

I love ヌテラ ! I Luv Nutella.



wikipedia     source

世界一速いベビーカー!! World's Fastest Baby Carriage Hits 50MPH [Video]


We're not quite sure if having the world's fastest baby carriage is something to boast about, but the PushChair is definitely a conversation piece nonetheless. It was built by plumber Colin Furze and is powered by a 125cc motorcycle engine. Continue reading for a video, more pictures and additional information.



左甚五郎も真っ青、木彫刻! Astonishing Wood Sculptures by Dan Webb


Born in East Lansing, Michigan and now living in Seattle, Washington, artist Dan Webb creates amazing sculptures out of wood. The textures and intricate detail in his work are truly astounding. Webb received his BFA from the Cornish College of the Arts and he has had a number of solo and group exhibits. His work is also held in various museum collections in Washington and New York.


これがランボルギーニ・ガヤルドだ! 8.72 Second Quarter Mile Twin Turbo [Video]

悲しき絶滅種たち Animals Who Are Extinct

拳銃を水中で発砲すると! This Is What An Underwater Gunshot Looks [Video]


This little experiment by firearm enthusiast and expert, Andrew Tuohy, was shot in his pool by a Pentax WG-2 at high-speed and then slowed to 30 frames per second to create the nifty “slow-mo” effect in the video. The picture above shows the action being done with a .45 Kimber 1911 and the video below is the .40 Glock 22, and, as with all gun-related videos, it is clearly stated to not try this at home, even if he did.



重瞳(ちょうどう)とは、一つの眼玉に、瞳が二つある眼のこと。とくに、中国の貴人の身体的特徴として表現されることが多い。たとえば、伝説上の聖王である舜は重瞳だったという。また、資治通鑑などの史書によれば、項羽も重瞳だったという。 明らかな異相であるが、王の権威付けのためか、特に古代中国の王には重瞳にかぎらず、常人とは異なった身体的特徴をしていることが多い。たとえば、文王は四乳といって乳首が四つあったというし、禹は三漏といって耳の穴が三つあったという伝承が残っている。 日本においても重瞳は貴人の相と考えられ、豊臣秀吉、平清盛などが重瞳だったという伝承がある[要出典]。もっとも、これについての信憑性はきわめて薄く、まともに論じられることはめったにない。物語においては、壇ノ浦夜合戦記で源義経、幸田露伴の『蒲生氏郷』[1]で秀吉が重瞳だったという設定になっていたりもする。 海音寺潮五郎は、水戸光圀、由井正雪などについても重瞳であったという説を紹介した上、「ひとみが重なっている目がある道理はない。おそらく黒目が黄みを帯びた薄い茶色であるために中心にある眸子がくっきりときわだち、あたかもひとみが重なっている感じに見える目を言うのであろう」と論じている[2]。 また、中国の文学者であり歴史家でもある郭沫若は、「項羽の自殺」という歴史短編で、重瞳とは「やぶにらみ」のことであろうと言っている。



ブタさん、赤ちゃんヤギを救助! Pig Rescues Baby Goat [Video]


Pig saves goat who's foot was stuck underwater at petting zoo. Simply amazing.



トレーニングパラシュート! Training Parachute


Train like the top athletes around the world with the World Sport brand Speed Chute. This training device is used in the NBA, NFL, MLB, MLS, NHL, NCAA, and in almost every top soccer team around the world. Designed to create resistance during sprint training in order to develop explosive linear speed. Comes with carry bag.
source    buy now

公共広告によるしゃれこうべのいろいろ! “Deathly” Public Service Ads


水の芸術! Awesome Japanese Water Display [Video]


Somewhere in Japan, there's a water fountain putting on a heck of a show!


最恐吊り橋トップ10 The Worst Bridges


Here it is a bridge crossing over the wrong that could cost you your life. Stretched string, and dilapidated … slightest uncertainty and loss of balance can make your heart stop. In this collection will provide you the top 10 deadliest bridges.



Tシャツを2秒でたたむ方法 How To Fold a T-shirt in 2 seconds [Video]


Handy guide to cutting your folding time down to almost nothing!


有名人とその美人愛娘たち一挙公開! The Hot Daughters of Really Famous Guys

Jon Voight - Angelina Jolie

Joe Mantegna - Gia Mantegna

Jean-Claude Van Damme - Bianca Van Varenberg

Robin Williams - Zelda Rae Williams

Brian Williams - Allison Williams

Steven Tyler - Liv Tyler

Muhammad Ali - Laila Ali

Phil Collins - Lily Collins

Clint Eastwood - Alison Eastwood

Laurence Fishburne - Montana Fishburne

Wayne Gretzky - Paulina Gretzky

Ron Howard - Bryce Dallas Howard

Lenny Kravitz - Zoe Kravitz

Harvey Keitel - Stella Keitel

Donald Trump - Ivanka Trump

Billy Ray Cyrus - Miley Cyrus

Quincy Jones - Rashida Jones

Casey Kasem - Kerri Kasem

Gavin Rossdale - Daisy Lowe

Keith Richards - Alexandra Richards

It's Just a Tree!

