

Alexander Votsmush のファンタジックな水彩画 Alexander Votsmush Watercolor Paintings [Video]

Alexander Votsmushはウクライナ在住のアーティストです。信じられないほど美しく、深く、エネルギッシュでいくつもの物語を語る様なファンタジックな世界を水彩画で表現しています。あなたはどの様に感じましたか?

Alex Votsmush lives partly in Russia and partly in Ukraine. This incredibly beautiful kind of watercolor on paper which is full of life, energy, depth, narrative and humor in some cases. It is impossible to fully put down feelings into words. Votsmush’s grip on the medium, mood, subject and overall context in every single piece is mesmerizing making you feel as if it is not painted on paper with a paint brush but with a magical wand.

source    ブログパーツ

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