

ボディーペインティング!  Amazing Body Painting Illusions


Amazing Body painting, or sometimes bodypainting, is a form of body art. dissimilar to tattoo and other forms of body art, body painting is impermanent, painted onto the human skin, and endures for only several hours, or at most (in the case of Mehndi or "henna tattoo") some of weeks.

Body painting that is fixed to the face is known as face painting. Body painting is also denoted as (a form of) temporary tattoo; full-body painting is more commonly referred to as body painting, while smaller or more elaborated work is generally referred to as temporary tattoos.

8つの馬鹿技! 8 idiots to make us laugh




メシ食ってる合間に仕事をしているポリスマン  “Healthy” American Policemen


Being healthy and vital is important when you have to run after criminals and protect the innocent. But it doesn’t seem that these cops are capable of doing anything of the sort. It would be an understatement to say that they are obese. Take a look!

ガンバレ三輪車! Three-Wheeled Car




キュートでファニーな動物たち!!! Funny Animals That Will Make You Laugh


窮鼠猫を噛む!? Crazy Rat Attacked the Cats – Video

The animals that feel threatened often attack larger and stronger than themselves. However, it seems that in this case a cat watched her work before they surprised by crazy rat. After we watched a brave cat who was attacked alligators, now we can look at the crazy rat attacking a cats.


今回のイタズラ集団のインプロブ・エブリウェアは透明犬の散歩!  Invisible dog leash – Invisible dog walk Brooklyn

ニューヨークならではの雰囲気を感じられるおもしろい団体が、このImprov Everywhere(インプロブ・エブリウェア)。団体というか集団というか、まぁ、一種のサークルみたいなもので、俳優のCharlie Toddさんが2001年に設立しニューヨークという街を舞台に、自らの手で人々を喜ばせ、幸せにする即興のショーをやろうと思ったんです、その方が誰か他の人から役をもらってステージに立つより、ずっといいじゃないかっていうアイデア。団体の名前はImprov Everywhereとなり、名前の通り、即興のパフォーマンス(いたずら)をどこでもやります。さて今回のパフォーマンスは透明犬の散歩です。動画もありますのでお楽しみに!
This famous invisible dog leash walk not only made a great prank but also marked the return of the era of the leash and further flooding the building with workers that once was ruminated.


CDの傷を電子レンジでなおす方法 Repair CDs with a Microwave!


The BEST way to fix even the most damaged CDs.

マタドール劇的瞬間!  Shocking Moments When Matadors Get Attacked by Bulls


It has been said that bullfighting is a “window into the soul of Spain and its people”, and so any taurine related experience should lead to a greater understanding of this “national culture” and help the traveler appreciate more of Spain’s uniqueness. There are all sorts of ways to take a foray into the world of the Spanish toro. The easiest and simplest is simply to attend a bullfight and make one’s own presumptions without any guidance or explanation?!

フリークライミングの世界  Free Climbers Are Ridiculously Insane [Video]



閲覧注意 亀が鳩を捕食する瞬間 Tortoise Hunted Pigeon

Tortoise is slow land-dwelling reptile and pigeon is fast react bird. Can you imaging how a tortoise is able to hunt a pigeon? But a video captured that a tortoise attacks a pigeon in a public park in Porto Alegre, Brasil. Believe or not? Wow!


赤ちゃん、赤ちゃん Part2 Baby Animal Pictures


All animals in the world, have their babies, which look pretty sweet, and cuddly. They give us endless joy and hope. No one can do away with its fun, natural and joyful look.

赤ちゃん、赤ちゃん  The Most Beautiful Baby Pictures


When you are angry, sad or in any other mood which is no good for you…just look at one baby picture and you will see how your bad mood fade away. Cause babies are the most  innocent and beautiful being in this cruel world. It`s ironically when we are thinking about all people around us, irrespective of their age, look, status, faith or color skin, were little and innocent baby too…and, at last, You and I were baby too. Maybe we should remember that sometimes and how much this life, given to us, is gorgeous!



トーストアニメ! Animated Drawnings on a Toasts [Video]

It is comprised entirely of photographs…15 still shots for every second of video. Oh yes, and toast. Lots and lots of toast.


志村ヤギのタマキンが傑作! Talking Goat


花のレントゲン写真 X-rayed Flowers


There have been many x-rayed photos online lately, but here you can see x-rayed flowers. It looks really beautiful and very artistic. I’m not really sure why would anyone give a x-ray to a flower, but it looks interesting.


火星の昼と夜( 動画でお届けします。) Day and Night on Mars [Video]

Mars has day and night for the same reasons that Earth has day and night. Mars, like Earth, rotates on an axis.

並列駐車 Parallel Parking

Parallel Parking from Yum Yum London on Vimeo.


爆笑車!! Bizarre Vehicles


If you don't want to be like other people, you have to get a strange car like one of these which you can see in the pictures. You'll be noticed by everyone without any doubts.


コンゴの色男たち! Men Fashion in Kongo


I feel sexy in Congo
The SAPE concept comes from centuries ago where the young people were brain washed during the time of the French Congo where they were told to look presentable. It all started when Andre Grenard returned from Paris all dressed up and had a huge fan following. The organization of SAP has members that are artists and they never fail to stand out in a crowd. Every member has his own style in dressing up and even has a set of gestures that are unique to him. They can be seen during weekly, impromptu parades, which brings out applause from the watching crowd. The main principles of these pacifists are to have style and non violence. They don’t want to go unnoticed by the world and one can say that they haven’t failed to do that. You will find them doing a merry dance in establishments and at bars as well.


ロシア刑務所 【閲覧注意】  Prison in Russia [video]

Prison in Russia [video]

セレブたちのオーバーウェイト事情  Overweight Celebs


Trying to keep a perfect image of oneself can be extra hard, especially if you are a celebrity. Your appearance has to be flawless, you have to be at your best at all times. These celebrities have had enough of diets and apparently work-outs and gained some weight. Take a look!


現行犯ですが! Monkey Steals Grapes

A monkey attempts to steal a few grapes, but gets caught red-handed.

8000歳の少年発見  8000-Year-Old Skeleton Found in Bulgaria


Bulgarian archaeologists, led by lecturer Boris Borissov from the university of Veliko Turnovo, unearthed a skeleton estimated at 8000 years old, Bulgarian media reported on October 25 2010.

The remains were found while land was being cleared for the construction of the Maritsa motorway, en route to Turkey, near the village of Kroum, municipality of Dimitrovgrad. Experts say that the skeleton, was from the Neolithic age, dates back to 6000 BCE, and belonged to a young boy, aged 10-15.
Anthropologist Tsvetan Minkov and experts from the Dimitrovgrad museum were also called to the site. The skeleton is most likely going to end up in the museum, but its safe extraction from the grave will present a significant task. Although the teeth are reportedly in "superb condition" the rest of the skeleton is in extremely brittle state and it "almost dissolves upon touch".

According to the report, the boy was found buried in the foetal position.



酔っ払いの末路画像  Beware of Drinking


Or we can call this: “Drunk Prank”. You must carefully choose where and with who you drink. You do not know what some people are ready to do when crossed their mind to joke with someone. Who knows in which position and with who you can find yourself when you wake up…

中国人!3  Chinese Fake Brands


With so much brand equity invested into leading global brands, it should come as no surprise that there are Chinese comanies who create fake brands. These fake brands look very similar to their original inspirations, but often feature a letter or two which may be mis-spelled.

“In the presence of this identity search, the fake brands are at their highest point in China. That’s why foreign companies have filed complaints for trademark violation. The Chinese capitalist “explosion” together with its cheap working-industrial strength, increases the phenomenon.

To avoid these charges, the Chinese “clandestine” industry makes small transformations of the isotypes”. - trendhunter.com.