

恐怖 呪いに必要なアイテム市場 (怖) Mysterious and Terrible Witchcraft Market in Mexico [Video]


Russia’s "Pravda" once selected top ten most terrible places in the world, the witchcraft market in Mexico’s Sonora is one of those, where witches are sitting by the small booths and tout pedestrians – as long as $ 10 that will make the buyers the pain because of poverty or infidelity go away. Witchcraft market every day opens to Mexican and foreign tourists, in this very weird place, strange things everywhere, such as magical and almighty medicine, snake blood, the mummies of hummingbird, etc., which are said to be able to bring good luck.


全米エアギター選手権 チャンピオン  US Air Guitar Championships [Video]


Nordic Thunder will go on to compete in the World Air Guitar Championship, on August 26, in Finland, but says he plans to retire from air-guitar competitions after attempting to defend his recently won title, next year.

おなじみドッキリシリーズ 自動車事故のドッキリ! Horrible Car Crash Prank [Video]


パンティーのはきわすれドッキリ!! Funny Girl Dressing Mistake [Video]


ペイントボールガン・ストリート・アート Graffiti with Paintball Guns [Video]

by マウンテンデュウ

wikipedia    source

どでかい“〇んたま” Something Too Big


Huuuuuge Nuts

なでしこジャパン優勝を聞くに堪えないコメントで非難するフェイスブックの面々 Facebook Reacts To Japan Winning The World Cup


I can’t help but ask are these people for real. This is simply sick and twisted. What is wrong with American nation? I feel like they are a bit of over reacting and going ballistic over a women soccer game. Don’t you agree? Or are you one of those who wish another devastating tsunami to come over Japan and completely destroy it for winning the World Cup and of course to get even with them because of the Pearl Harbor?

お花にお水を! ドッキリ Watering Suspended Plant Fail [Video]

Watering The Suspended Plant brought to you by Free Funny Videos

マリリン・モンローのポルノフィルムが見つかりました? Marilyn Monroe Porn Film? Alleged Sex Film Up For Auction


BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — A Spanish collector plans to auction what he claims is a newly discovered 8-mm version of a film purportedly showing Marilyn Monroe having sex when she was still an underage actress known as Norma Jean Baker.

A Marilyn Monroe expert, however, says the actress in the film is someone else, considerably heavier and less feminine than the legendary film star.


透明の羽根を持つ蝶 Glasswinged Butterlfy

ガラスのような羽根を持つ蝶が素晴らしい。学名:"Greta oto" 英名:"Glass-Wing Butterfly" 日名:"ツマジロスカシマダラ" 美しいですご覧になってください。

This is not a Photoshop. Or a 3D rendering. It's a photo of a Glasswinged butterly, "a member of the subfamily Danainae, tribe Ithomiini, subtribe Godyridina." It sounds like a fantastic beast, but it's real. See the other images.


驚愕のペナルティーキック Craziest and Most Stupid Penalty Kick Ever [Video]


金属輪を使ったアクロバティックで魅惑的なパフォーマンス Cool Wheel Presentation [Video]


Ethan Law’s Roue Cyr presentation is a captivating piece of performance art; it’s part dance, part acrobatics, part athleticism and the longer you watch, it gets more and more impressive.


赤ちゃんのバスタイム! Baby Bath Time [Video]


Have you ever bathed the baby? It’s so fun that you have to try it. It required to be in physical condition because when the baby starts waving her/his hands and feet you must be prepared to catch her. Somewhat they look like the cartoon babies. They sprayed so much that you are also wet as they are. But when you look through her eyes you immediately forget how much you wet are.





ハト VS 眠たい猫 Pigeon With A Death Wish [Video]


Interrupting a cat during his nap...


動物のツインズ Animals Twins


ダミー人形ドッキリ!! Reanimated Mannequin [Video]

一般の人が救命措置訓練用ダミー人形に心肺蘇生措置を一生懸命施しているとダミー人形がいきなり動き出します。( 笑 )

Just For Laughs
Reanimated Mannequin
Things aren't always what they seem in this great gag.

Reanimated Mannequin brought to you by Funny Clips

戦場の兵士と子犬たち Pictures Of Soldiers And Adorable Puppies


しゃべるカタツムリ! Speaking Snail [Video]

カタツムリがぺちゃくちゃとしゃべっています。( セコイアのCMです。)

Interesting snail speaking about his experience


クールで且つ使えるセクシーマグカップ! Cool And Useful Mugs


Here’s something that can be useful and nice while you drink coffee or tea. All people use cups at home and at work. Choose your special cup and lets all envied on it. Also, the cup may be a good birthday present!

へっぽこ探偵! Defective Detective [Video]


This detective is pretty damn defective and should not be wearing the badge. A beautiful and funny short animation film by Avner Geller submitted for the upcoming Animation Festival

Defective Detective from Cartoon Brew on Vimeo.
